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P. 8

Greetings from

                                                             Israel’s Leaders

                               Rabbi Aryeh Stern
                               Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem

      Speak to the Heart of
      Jerusalem                             wonderful fusion  occurs,  Yerushalayim will   in holiness and in seeking
                                                                                   social cohesion based on
                                            shine upon all of the people throughout the
                                            Land.  From here, from Yerushalayim, one   positive values. We cannot
           erusalem was and always will be the   can see how everything is exalted and sancti-  rest on our laurels, enjoy the
           capital of the Jewish State. This was   fied, like someone standing atop a mountain   Jerusalem we have and wait
      J already  understood  by  the  State’s         observing everything below. This is how we   for everything to fall from
           founders, even in those years when the   find Isaiah the Prophet standing in the Beit   Heaven. We are obligated
      city was small and divided and all the more   HaMikdash in Jerusalem saying,  “The whole   to instill sanctity into the
      so now – after the Six-Day War – that it is   world is filled with Your glory,” i.e. from the holi-  content of life in Yerushalayim
      adorned with beauty and glory as befitting a   est place, from Jerusalem, we can see how the   which will illuminate the entire
      capital city.                         sanctity dissipates and illuminates the whole   country.
      We are familiar with the expression “שׁ ָדּ ְ ק ִמ
      ה ָכוּל ְ מ רי ִע ךְֶל ֶמ,” i.e. the city contains a combi-  In its essence, Jerusalem can bring true unity,   On Yom Yerushalayim we
      nation of holiness and majesty. It is clear that   which is why it was not divided between the   joyfully  note  the great  merit  we
      there is no place for sanctity in Israel without   tribes. It belongs to us all and we are always   have in witnessing our reunited
      the foundations of kingship, and there is no   looking towards it wherever we are in the   Jerusalem, although we should
      point in kingship without the seal of sanctity.  world.                      not forget that the first stage, the
                                                                                   establishment of the State, was what
      Indeed, the word “תוּמֵל ְ שׁ” – completion – is   Therefore, when we speak about taking   allowed us to reach the second stage
      contained in the name of the city, and this   action in Jerusalem, the intention is not just   of the liberation of Jerusalem. Both
      completion or perfection can only be achieved   to build, although that is important too of   events are so obviously a gift from God
      through these two ideals. And when this   course, but whatever we do must be rooted   – “It is wondrous in our eyes.”

                                                                                Nir Barkat
                                                                       Mayor of Jerusalem
      Unity and Openness

            am honored to send you greetings on   Jerusalem over 50 years ago, Israel has   Jerusalem  is  continuously  strengthened
            the occasion of your celebration of   maintained freedom of religion, move-  by its friends around the world. As we
      I 51 years of Jerusalem’s reunification.   ment, and expression for all. In the past   celebrate over 50 years since the reunifi-
                                            few years, the city has undergone a cul-  cation of the eternal capital of the Jewish
      When Jerusalem was founded 3,000 years   tural and economic renaissance and the   people, I thank you for your continued
      ago, it was established as a center of unity   capital  of the  Jewish  people  is thriving.   support of Jerusalem and wish all of
      and openness for all people. Since reuniting   Jerusalem has returned to the promise of   you a meaningful and memorable Yom
                                            its founding as a beacon of inclusiveness.   Yerushalayim.

      Photos – Rabbi Stern: A. Bejell, Nir Barkat: Yam Vignola
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