Page 17 - HaMizrachi TuBiShvat 5784 North America
P. 17

led him to rarely mention the great love   North African immigrants to the periph-  Moroccan and Tunisian immigrants, pio-
        that the first generation of North African   ery can only come from a Zionist point of   neers that Israeli society should recognize
        immigrants had for the Land, nor the great   view, from those who accept the thesis   and cherish, enabled the establishment of
        dedication of the absorption workers.   that the State of Israel is the state of the   these towns during difficult and challeng-
                                            entire Jewish people and not a country   ing years. Negev towns are much more
        Lova Eliav, the head of the team that estab-  of immigration like the USA or Australia.   attractive today. They are not filled with
        lished Chevel Lachish, aggressively forced
        the new immigrants to get off the truck   In countries of immigration like the USA,   new immigrants who have no choice, but
                                            an immigrant arrives at his own expense,
                                                                                with people who choose to come there
        that was taking them to Moshav Otzem –   and in the best case scenario, the receiving   of their own free will. Young people who
        but he also stayed with the immigrants
        that entire night. The immigrants talk   country gives him a work visa. He must   grew up in these towns choose to return
                                                                                there to build their own homes, and many
                                            find housing and a livelihood on his own.
        about the difficulties, shock, and manip-
        ulations they were subjected to in order   He must come with a certain amount of   others are also choosing to relocate there.
                                            money in his pocket, or otherwise he will
        to convince them to travel to those dis-  not be allowed to enter. No country of   The major correction that Israeli society
        tant places – but they also describe how                                must make is to properly acknowledge
        their parents warned them not to speak   immigration brings in destitute people at   and respect the pioneering work of the
                                            its own expense, takes care of housing for
        badly about the Holy Land. Bina Katsover,                               residents of the development towns. The
        who moved to Yerucham with her family,   them (which may be problematic, dilapi-  initiative to establish museums about the
                                            dated, or temporary – but at least it takes
        relates: “We drove and drove, and early in   care to do so!) and feels an obligation to   foundation of the development towns is
        the morning they dropped us off. [All we                                an important corrective step. The pio-
        saw was] sky and sand. I said to my father:   take care of their livelihood. Only in this   neers who built the Land without fanfare
                                            context – the fact that Israel is the home
        ‘What is this? Is this the Jerusalem you                                deserve to be added as pearls in the crown
        wanted to bring us to?’ He responded: ‘You   of the Jewish people and not a standard   of Israeli pioneering.
                                            country of immigration – can the Zionist
        will not speak slander about the Land of   act be criticized. The first generation of   The poet Erez Biton beautifully captured
        Israel!’” The actress Ruby Porat-Shuval,
        who also grew up in Yerucham, quotes   immigrants understood this, and felt that   the feelings of the first generation of
                                            they had arrived home.
                                                                                immigrants, quoting his father:
        her mother who said: “This yellow will
        become gold.”                       Today, after more than sixty years, it is   “Better half a house in the Land of Israel
                                            difficult to continue to look at the devel-  Than many good and beautiful houses in
        The development towns were not the   opment  towns  as  fate-stricken  places   the Diaspora…”
        penal colonies of Israeli society. They were   that one should stay away from. [Former]
        part of a large state program to spread the                              Originally published in Hebrew in Makor
        Jewish population throughout the coun-  Minister of the Interior Aryeh Deri argues   Rishon, April 2018
                                            that the presentation of the southern
        try. This plan, which due to its enormous
        dimensions could not rely solely on the   development towns in the Sallah series is   Below: The city of Sderot (PHOTO: KRIFKIND PHOTOGRAPHY)
                                            a heinous injustice. He himself witnessed
        inclination of the hearts of young ideal-  the enormous change in these towns. In
        ists and the country’s veterans, forced
        those dependent on the state’s resources   the 1980s, when he was the director of
                                            the Ministry of the Interior, he met with
        to respond to its demands. Indeed, over
        the years the development towns suf-  the mayor of Dimona, who asked him to
                                            demolish buildings where most of the
        fered from many problems. Many of the   apartments were abandoned and used as
        residents, whose dependence on state
        resources diminished over time, left the   drug dens. Today, Deri pointed out, not   Dr. Avi Picard
                                            only are those apartments full, but in
                                            all the towns new agreements are being   is a lecturer in the Department of
        It is important to understand something   signed to build tens of thousands of new   Land of Israel Studies at Bar-Ilan
        else: any criticism of Israel’s policy to move   housing units.            University and a resident of Yerucham.

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