Page 33 - HaMizrachi TuBiShvat 5784 North America
P. 33

Leon                                  Tamar                                 Rabbi Aminadav
     Gamaroff  Krieger                                                           Grossman

           rior to October 7, from my home in Aus-  he war began right as we were introducing   really shouldn’t complain, so many
           tralia, I witnessed a battle between two   a new foundation to improve education   others have it worse.” I’ve heard
           opposing camps in Israel, centered on   in Israel. Rather quickly, it was I who got a   this sentiment repeatedly in the
           proposed changes to the judicial system   lesson in education. I learned about Israe-  last few months alongside any
     Psurrounding the Supreme Court of Israel.  Tlis’ resilience, our people’s deep-rooted   “I admission of suffering or trauma.
     As a Jew living in chutz la’aretz, I was deeply   commitment to each other, and our society’s   My wife Rachel often speaks of army wives
     saddened by the mass protests and hatred   extraordinary resilience. My mind-frame shifted   who inevitably end conversations about their
     expressed through words and deeds. “Far right”   from what support can we provide Israel to the   challenges by saying things like “...but I really
     or “far left,” “secular” or “religious,” “demo-  understanding that in so many ways, Israel   can’t complain, my husband is able to come
     cratic” or “anti-democratic” – the words used   already has what it needs; the people of Israel   home.” Or another who hasn’t heard from her
     throughout that time emphasized differences   are its great strength and that the world needs   husband stationed on the Lebanon border in
     and opposition.                       Israel more than Israel needs the world.   weeks, “I can’t complain, at least my husband
        On October 7, Hamas terrorists invaded Israel   As an olah, the last few months have made   isn’t in Gaza.” And from the woman whose hus-
     and massacred, tortured and kidnapped over   me feel more Israeli than ever before. I feel part   band is in Gaza, “I can’t complain, he’s alive and
     1,200 Jews. They didn’t distinguish between us   of something so much larger than myself. I   well.” Even the woman whose husband in miluim
     – whether a Jew was left-wing or right-wing, for   feel safer here under the threat of rockets than   tragically died from his wounds said at shiva
     or against a two-state solution, or secular or   I do outside of Israel, where overt and latent   when we visited, “I can’t complain, at least I got
     religious. They simply massacred Jews or anyone   antisemitism are constantly lurking. Here my   to part from him in the hospital.”
     associated with Jews – just as the Nazis did.  enemy is clear, but in the United States and   Mi k’amcha Yisrael… The suffering is real and
                                           Europe it is often hiding just beneath a polite
        The lesson is clear. Jews focus far too much                             it’s important to validate the range of emotional
     on our differences, and not nearly enough on   veneer.                      responses. But so is hakarat hatov. The dual per-
     what we have in common and what binds us   Although I miss my friends and family, I now   spective of deeply feeling our loss and looking
     together as a nation. We must all do our absolute   realize that I am a part of a family of about 10   for blessings – not silver linings – lends meaning
     best to change this and emphasize what unifies   million Israelis. I am deeply touched by their acts   to our lives.
     us – not what divides us.             of kindness, love, strength, and communal sup-  Chazal point out that Leah was the first to
                                           port, as well as the spirituality of the people. We   express hoda’a (gratitude) when she named
                                           are all expressing our innate potential under fire:   Yehuda, perhaps precisely because of the back-
                                           Israel is strong because its people are committed   drop of her feeling distanced from Ya’akov, evi-
                                           to their nation and to each other.    denced by the names of her previous children.
                                                                                 True gratitude is only possible when we feel the
                                                                                 pain in our lives, which highlights the blessings
                                                                                 of daily life. This coexistence of suffering and
                                                                                 gratitude is the Torah’s path to resilience.

                                                                                 Rabbi Aminadav Grossman is the Rav of Beit
                                           Tamar Krieger is the Executive Director of the   Knesset Carmei Zion in Carmei Gat and the mental
                                           Tzemach David Foundation and is an international   health professional for overseas students at Yeshi-
     Leon Gamaroff is a management consultant in   educational consultant, curriculum designer, and   vat Har Etzion. He is an alumnus of Mizrachi’s Shal-
     Australia, and is currently in Israel as a volunteer   leadership trainer. Originally from the Philadelphia   hevet and Musmachim programs, and serves as a
     during the war.                       area, she now resides in Jerusalem.   reservist at the Shura base of the army rabbinate.

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