Page 53 - HaMizrachi TuBiShvat 5784 North America
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physical environment. None of the group partic-
ipants left their country for economic reasons.
Everyone was idealistic.
The group gathered in Argentina and met in
person at a beautiful shabbaton. Unfortunately,
we couldn’t join them for Shabbat, but the positive
energy was felt through Zoom and WhatsApp. We
all shared the same doubts, fears, and anxieties,
and being able to share and support each other
was wonderful.
How did Israela help in the pre-Aliyah
We had an issue with one of our documents for the
Jewish Agency. I mentioned it to Israela’s directors,
and they helped us get it and resolve the Jewish
Agency folder. They also facilitated the approval of
our folder more quickly. We stuck to our original
plan, and set an Aliyah date: August 16, 2022.
The people at Israela looked for a house for us,
sending us photos and budgets for apartments. We
chose one, and they handled everything with the
apartment owner. We just arrived and signed the
contract. We also discussed the apartment’s fur-
nishings, what we could afford, what we couldn’t,
what we wanted, and so on.
How was the arrival in Israel?
Baruch Hashem, we left Costa Rica on August 16,
2022, as planned. It’s worth noting that making
Aliyah with Israela doesn’t void the benefits you
receive from the Jewish Agency. We arrived at
Ben-Gurion at 1am on August 18. Despite the late
hour, the airport was full of people who came to welcome us
with songs, flags, and dancing. It was a dream-like experience, an
emotion hard to describe in words. We arrived at our apartment,
our new home. We had everything we needed; almost nothing
was missing. It was like entering an Airbnb.
The story doesn’t end there; it’s actually just the beginning.
Israela connected us with two Israeli families who helped us
get settled throughout our first year. They helped us open a
bank account, hire services, guided us on where to buy what we
needed, invited us for Shabbat and holidays, and much more. It
was incredible chesed.
What happened with the group of olim? The
Jaim and his family.
Everyone arrived within a few weeks. Thank G-d, we integrated
wonderfully. We spent a lot of time together, especially on Shab-
bat. We are also part of a Religious Zionist garin with more than contributed to our growth. And we have also faced the war
60 families, so not only do we maintain our Latin culture, but together, doing our part to help Am Yisrael overcome and, G-d
we quickly learned Hebrew and all about Israeli culture. We willing, achieve victory.
shared everything – activities, schools, joys, and unfortunately,
some sorrows. Our religious heterogeneity dissipated; we all Making group Aliyah with Israela was a very wise decision. It’s
grew spiritually and strengthened our connection with Hashem, worth learning about the program, asking questions, and remov-
Torah, and mitzvot. The atmosphere, the group, the kehilla – all ing all doubts. Israel is waiting for you! ◼
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