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One           Is Israel Really

               One           Reishit Tzemichat                                         Rabbi                Rabbi

                             Geulateinu ?                                         Ya’akov   Ariel      Yuval Cherlow

                  Rabbi Ya’akov  Ariel            8. Israel is the only place in the world where   However, will we open those gates?
               he Return to Zion in recent        Shabbat is officially acknowledged as the   Will we take that opportunity?
           T generations is one of  the wonders   national day of rest.
           of world history and of Jewish history in                                    It is indeed a miraculous beginning, but
           particular. The visions of our Prophets   9. There have never been so many people   this initial ‘planting’ could – God forbid –
           are coming true. And the process is just   studying Torah in Israel. Religious, Torah   dry up and shrivel if we do not work hard
           beginning!                             education is one of the official streams in   to nurture and cultivate its growth.
                                                  the education system. Every day, at least
           Here are just some of the signs:       one new Torah-related book is published.  Here are three things we can do right now:
           1. The Return to Zion after 2,000 years
           undoubtedly expresses a transformation in   There is still a long way to go before we   1. “Zion is redeemed in judgment, and her
           the Jewish people’s standing in the world.   reach complete Redemption, but there is   house shall be justice” ( Isaiah 1:27). The
           There can  no longer be  such a  thing  as a   no  doubt  the  process  has  begun.  And  we   foundations of Redemption are social jus-
           full Jewish life in the Diaspora.      have been fortunate to witness it with our   tice, truth, and charity. There can be no
                                                  own eyes. May God follow through on this   Redemption in an immoral society.
           2. The “Green Revolution” in Eretz Yisrael   miraculous start and redeem us and the
           is a realization of the prophecy ““And you,   whole world speedily in our days.  2. The soul of the country’s existence is its
           the mountains of Yisrael, will produce your                                  Jewish  identity.  We need to  reinforce this
           branches, and you will bear your fruit for   Rabbi Yuval Cherlow             by minimal legislation, loving our fellow
           My people Israel, because they are about to   n  Jewish  thought,  the  word  human beings, and sanctifying God’s name.
           come.” (Ezekiel, 36:8)                I “redemption” has two meanings.
                                                                                        3. Communicating to all Jews the strong,
           3. Jewish sovereignty. After so many years   One – coming back – is used in the weekly   historical, intrinsic connection between our
           of subservience to foreign nations, the   portion dealing with the release of slaves   people and our Land, and the importance
           country is now under Jewish rule. This also   and the return of land to its original   of our nation remaining unique and united.
           has halachic implications.             owners. In this respect, the State of Israel
                                                  is definitely the beginning of the growth of   These – and of course many others – will
           4. The Ingathering of the Exiles. Today there   our Redemption.              further increase our chances of a complete
           are over 6.5 million Jews in Eretz Yisrael;                                  Redemption.
           almost the majority of the Jewish people.  We have an independent country; we have
                                                  returned to our historical land, Hebrew   Instead of begging for it, we will be acting
           5. Israel boasts  economic, scientific,   has again become the language of life, and   to bring it that much closer.
           technological and military independence   more. We are living in an ongoing miracle,
           of the highest international standards.  and just think about where we were 75
                                                  years ago and where we are today.     Rabbi Ya’akov Ariel is the
           6.  Most of  the  world’s countries                                          Emeritus  Chief Rabbi of
           acknowledge our sovereignty  over the   The second meaning of redemption is   Ramat Gan
           Land, despite it contradicting Christian   looking ahead, to the future awaiting the
           theology.                              Jewish people. Rabbi Soloveitchik taught   Rabbi Yuval Cherlow is Rosh
                                                  us that the concept of Redemption should   Yeshiva of Yeshivat Amit
           7. The  liberation  of Jerusalem and   be understood as a knock on the gates, a   Orot Shaul and a founding
           the Temple  Mount are the  start  of the   wonderful, God-given opportunity.   member of  Tzohar
           preparations for the Third Temple.

           *The beginning of the growth of our Redemption - ונתלואג תחימצ תישאר l Photo of Rabbi Ya’akov   Ariel: Akiva Nisenholz, Rabbi Yuval Cherlow: Michael Katz  19
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