Page 2 - HaMizrachi #7BackgroundwithJIF-Purim
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Israel and US
Rabbi David A. Israel
here are many themes to Purim unanimity, despite their infighting, the that makes use of these Mishloach Manot,
and the Megillah: G-d may unity of knowing they were one people again emphasizes that coming together is
T seem hidden (ר ֵּ ת ְ ס ֶ א), but His with one destiny was still a clearly what creates celebration. Finally, but just
hand is a constant in history. In every known fact. Thus, when the moment as important, Matanot LaEvyonim – our
generation there will be someone who comes and Queen Esther calls out ס ֹונ ְּ כ gifts to the poor in our community show
seeks to destroy the Jewish People. ּומְּי ִ ק םי ִ דּוהְּי ַ ה לֹ ּ כ ת ֶ א, “Gather all the Jews that everyone is needed for the Jewish
ּול ְּ ב ִ ק ָ ו – our covenant with G-d continues together” to fast as ד ָ ח ֶ א ם ַ ע, there was people to be unified and whole, just like
and is indeed strengthened when we are indeed unity. G-d shone His blessing on the ל ֶ ק ֶ ׁ ּ ש ַ ה תי ִ צ ֲ ח ַ מ.
proactive. And we can certainly identify this unity, granted our people victory
other motifs. over enemies and gave us reason to Creating unity in the face of grave
celebrate. disagreements may seem like an
However, perhaps this year the most impossible task; we struggle with it in
important theme of Purim to focus on The message of unity is further our communities every day. While we
is one that does not immediately seem emphasized on Ta’anit Esther by the may argue about notable exceptions,
apparent: unity. While unanimity and giving of ל ֶ ק ֶ ׁ ּ ש ַ ה תי ִ צ ֲ ח ַ מ, the half-shekel. one of the unique aspects of the Zionist
uniformity have never been the hallmark The Gemara in Megillah tells us that movement has been the ability to
of vibrant democracies, the Jewish when Haman offered Achashverosh advance an agenda of “being a free
people, or even our Sages, we hope, 10,000 shekels to allow him to destroy people in our land” with unity despite
pray and strive for continuing unity. the enormous differences. The World
Because without it, success and progress the Jews, the plot was ‘thwarted’ by the Zionist Organization (WZO), created by
are impossible. As one looks out at the mitzvah of the half-shekel, which had Herzl and supported by Mizrachi under
social and political landscape in either already been commanded of the Jews. the leadership of Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakov
Israel or the United States, or reads the The symbolism is clear – two halves Reines, illustrated the power of unity.
many recent articles of the growing must be united to form something that Today, over 100 years later, the Religious
divide between Jews in the US and is whole, unified. When one half is Zionists of America–Mizrachi continues
Israel, perhaps we would indeed be wise detached, trouble ensues. United, we can its role in the WZO and its United
to focus on Purim’s vital theme of unity. overcome anything and anyone. States federation, the American Zionist
When trying to convince Achashverosh Indeed, each of the mitzvot of Purim Movement (AZM).
of the need to destroy the Jews, Haman emphasize this very same message. Purim is a timely reminder to us to
describes them as ןי ֵּ ב ד ָ רֹפ ְ מּו ר ָּז ֻ פ ְ מ ד ָ ח ֶ א ם ַ ע When we read the Megillah, it is strive for unity and recognize that is an
םי ִּ מ ַ ע ָ ה, “spread out and divided among preferable to read it together with others indispensable element in achievement,
the nations.” Many have suggested this ,ך ֶ ל ֶ מ ת ַ ר ְ ד ַ ה ם ָ ע בֹר ְּ ב for when we join progress, and joyful life itself.
was as much a spiritual and attitudinal together we bring greater glory to G-d.
dispersion as it was a physical one. Yet, Reaching out with the gifts of Mishloach Rabbi David A. Israel is the Executive
even Haman described them as ם ַ ע Manot unites neighbors, shuls, schools Vice-President of Religious Zionists of
ד ָ ח ֶ א, “one people;” despite their lack of and communities. Our Purim Seudah, America–Mizrachi
• Martin and Reva Oliner 3740 W. Dempster 209-286-7141
Skokie, IL 60076
• Friends of Mr. Jack Nagel z’’l
• Lynn and Joel Mael & Family President
305 Seventh Avenue Presidium Dr. Yakov Agatstein
• Mr. and Mrs. David Rubin Room 1200, Dr. Ernest Agatstein
New York, NY 10001
Rabbi Leonard Matanky President
212-465-9234 Martin Oliner Dr. Oren Lakser Executive Vice-President Executive Director
2 Rabbi David A. Israel Rabbi Jerold Isenberg