Page 38 - HaMizrachi #7BackgroundwithJIF-Purim
P. 38

A Woman's Soul

                                                                   Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi

                10 Practical Wonders

                  FOR PURIM NIGHT

             very Jewish woman is Queen     During the Megillah reading there are   being easily  offended,  from  ףֹס ֱ א ֶ ל,  “to
             Esther. Why? The Hebrew ת ַּ כ ְ ל ַ מ   special moments, when G-d Himself   collect”, i.e. everything people say about

      E ר ֵּ ת ְ ס ֶ א literally means the Queen   sends you a huge portion of Mishloach   you), etc.
      of Esther . It should have said  ר ֵּ ת ְ ס ֶ א   Manot:
      ה ָּ כ ְ ל ַּ מ ַ ה, Esther the Queen, or  ה ָּ כ ְ ל ַּ מ ַ ה              9. Purim – םי ִ רּו ּ פ – is a time for fertility
      ר ֵּ ת ְ ס ֶ א, The Queen, Esther. On Purim,   5.  The moment of the initial blessing   (ת ֹוּי ִ ר ֹו ּ פ) and matchmaking. Couples are
      each of us is a Queen of Esther. It’s as if   –  ה ָּ ל ִ ג ְ מ  א ָ ר ְ ק ִ מ  ל ַ ע – on reading the   very prominent in the Megillah – Vashti
      we are part of her; we receive something   Megillah, we read about a revelation   and Achashverosh, Zeresh and Haman,
      of her powers and strengths, magic from   of a hidden world exposed once a year,   and of course Mordechai and Esther. So
      her majesty. On the night of Purim, we   the world of Mordechai and Esther – a   immediately after the Megillah reading,
      proudly wear her crown.               world in which decrees are annulled,   pray for children and shidduchim (the
                                            a world of  אּוה  ך ֹופ ֲ הַנ ְ ו, of reversal of   Shla HaKadosh).
      Here are 10  segulot (acts with       fortunes – from which G-d sends you
      metaphysical potential) for this sublime   a generous helping of  “abundance,   10. A special emotional time of Divine
      night of Purim:                       purity, mercy, marital partners and   Will. Midnight on Purim eve is a
                                            righteous  children”  (Rabbi Yosef  Caro).  powerful moment. The Midrash tells us
      1.  Before  you go  to  hear  the Megillah,                                 that  at  this  hour  G-d  heard  the  sounds
      put a beautiful tablecloth on the table   6. During the Megillah, open your   of bleating from the city of Shushan:
      and light two candles, in memory of   heart to serenity and comfort. Why    “What are the sounds of young goats in
      Mordechai and Esther.                 did Esther request  “write me down for   My ears?” He asked His entourage. They
                                            generations”? So that future generations   replied, “It is the voice of Your children,
      2. Leave a bowl of nuts and seeds on   could find solace in the Megillah story,   the little children of Israel about to die
      the table – in memory of Esther who   at all times.                         under Haman’s decree.”
      was stringent about keeping kosher in   7. You don’t read the Megillah. You pray   So at midnight on Purim eve, the time
      Achashverosh’s house and ate only nuts   the Megillah (Rabbi Ziskind), because   G-d is listening to the cries of infants
      and seeds.                                                                  and annulling decrees, stand and say the
                                            it is about you. At every “Haman,” think
                                            about your greatest troubles. When    following: “Hashem, I am your daughter
      3. Wear a festive outfit! The Megillah                                      and You are my Father! It says a father
      tells us that clothing brings about   he rises to power, be worried. Your   must find a shidduch for his daughter -
                                            problems and fears are controlling you.
      salvation:  ה ָ ח ְ מ ָ ׁש ְ ו  ה ָ ל ֳ ה ָ צ  בֹק ֲ ע ַי  ת ַּנ ַ ׁש ֹו ׁש   When they hang him, rejoice, because   You must find me a shidduch I am Your
      י ַ כ ְ ּ ד ְ רֹמ ת ֶ ל ֵ כ ְּ ת  ד ַ ח ַי ם ָ ת ֹוא ְ ר ִּ ב,  “The rose   it means your own personal release and   daughter! It says a father must provide
      of Jacob rejoiced and was glad        victory is at hand.                   for his daughter – send me a good living,
      when together they saw the blue of                                          I am Your daughter! It says a father must
      Mordechai’s clothes.” Even before the   8. The moment the 10 sons of Haman   make his children happy. Make me happy
      decree had been annulled, Haman put   are hanged. The Chassidim say that    Father!”
      the regally-dressed Mordechai on the   each  son represents  one  of  our  bad
      horse and everyone saw and rejoiced. So   character traits, and as they are hanged,   On the night of Purim, G-d is incapable
      tonight, dress for redemption!        we  ‘kill’ our own faults and defects. So   – so to speak – of saying no to prayers
                                            for every name, think about one trait or   like these.
      4. Keep smiling. Please don’t be angry!   habit you want to ‘hang on the gallows.’
      Purim is a holiday, a day of simple joy.   For example, Parshandata (א ָ ת ָ ּ ד ְנ ַ ׁש ְ ר ַּ פ)   1  The phrase Malkat Esther seemingly originated
      We receive a special Heavenly helping   = being judgmental, from   ׁש ֵ ר ָ פ ְ ל, “to   in songs and other sources in the 1920s and 30s.
      of joy today. There is no room for anger   interpret”; Dalphon (ן ֹופ ְ ל ַ ּ ד) = a poverty   Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi is a popular
      and annoyance (so says the Chida).    (תּו ּ ל ַ ּ ד) mindset; Aspata (א ָ ת ָּ פ ְ ס ַ א) =   Israeli teacher, speaker and writer

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