Page 34 - HaMizrachi RH-YK 5784 - North America
P. 34

A Proud Daughter of Olim:

                                        An Interview with

                             Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely

              Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely has emerged as one of the leading religious women in Israeli politics
              and diplomacy. After becoming a Member of Knesset at 31 and serving as a government minister,
                    she has served as the Israeli Ambassador to the United Kingdom since August 2020.
               Rabbi Aron White spoke with Ambassador Hotovely about her work, the Israel-UK relationship,
                                  and the connection between Israel and Diaspora Jews.

        Thank you for speaking with us, Ambassador Hotovely.   Throughout your life, you have gone on shlichut three
        Tell us about your experience as Israel’s Ambassador to   times – as a shlicha of the Jewish Agency to Atlanta,
        the UK.                                               Georgia, as a shlicha of Bnei Akiva to France, and now the
                                                              Ambassador of the State of Israel to the UK. What drew
        It has been a great and productive term here, even if it was   you to this line of work, representing and connecting
        difficult at the beginning, arriving during the middle of the
        pandemic. I was honored to be able to present my credentials to   people to Israel around the world?
        the Queen, which was a very special experience. We got to chat   You are correct – and I also served briefly in the government as
        for about 20 minutes, and she was actually very informed about   the Diaspora Affairs Minister. I have always felt a strong con-
        Israel – she said to me, “You have had too many elections!” My   nection to the Jewish Diaspora, as my parents made Aliyah, and
        husband made the beracha on seeing royalty, and it definitely   I remember when my grandparents came to join us on Aliyah in
        was a special moment.                                 Israel. I believe that olim, with all of their diversity and different

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