Page 11 - HaMizrachi Rosh HaShana - Yom Kippur 5783 USA
P. 11

Religious Zionist Shlichut:

             Uniting Israel and the Diaspora

                               An Introduction by Rabbi Aron White

        “.....this anchors in Israel’s Basic Laws the values of  been open to them for years and they haven’t come.
        the State of Israel, as a Jewish and democratic State.”  Why am I responsible for them? They have chosen to
        (Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty, 1992)          be Ukrainians, let them save themselves.”
        What is the essence of the State of Israel? Is it a dem-  One of the greatest counterweights to attitudes like
        ocratic state like any other that should fall in line with   these is the deep commitment of Israeli shlichim to
        the norms and practices of Western democracies? Or    Jewish communities all over the world. Every year,
        is Israel more fundamentally a Jewish state meant to   thousands of Israel’s best and brightest choose to
        express a uniquely Jewish identity as the homeland of   leave their homeland to connect with and inspire
        G-d’s chosen people? Israelis have debated this issue   their Jewish brothers and sisters all over the world.
        from the very founding of the modern State.           The bedrock foundation of Israeli shlichut is the belief
        This is not merely a theoretical question. If Israel is   that Israel is the homeland of all Jews, no matter
        fundamentally a Jewish state, then it serves as the   where they live, and that Israelis therefore have an
        homeland for the entire Jewish people – including     obligation to strengthen ties with Diaspora Jewry.
        the millions of Jews who live outside its borders. But   And while all Israeli shlichim help Diaspora Jews con-
        if Israel is primarily a democratic state, its obligations   nect to their national homeland, the many hundreds
        extend only to its own citizens; it owes no special   of Religious Zionist shlichim serving in the Diaspora
        obligation to Jews in the Diaspora.                   go a step further, binding Diaspora Jewry to their
                                                              religious and spiritual home.
        There was once broad consensus concerning Israel’s
        responsibility for Diaspora Jewry, but this consensus  In this edition, we tell the story of the extraordinary
        has begun to break down. A.B. Yehoshua, one of Isra-  Religious Zionist shlichim who reach hundreds of
        el’s greatest writers, infamously described the Jews of  thousands of Jews each year. From a Sunday school in
        America as “partial Jews”, compared to the “complete  Buenos Aires to a summer camp in Sydney, from the
        Jews” of Israel. This past February, as the Russian  community kollel of Montreal to supporting Ukrainian
        military prepared to invade Ukraine, popular TV host  refugees in Moldova, Religious Zionist shlichut is
        Yaron London laughed when asked on primetime  diverse, global and growing. They are the emissar-
        television if Israel should help the Jews of Ukraine.  ies of Torat Eretz Yisrael, a bridge between Jews all
        “We shouldn’t do anything for them,” he said. “They  over the world to the Jewish State and its national
        don’t want to make Aliyah; the gates of Israel have  and spiritual identity.

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