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P. 11

forbidden by Torah law during the   A different Jew once told me: “I try not   compared to the statement that
      Shemitta year, it is prohibited by rab-  to perform even permitted labors in   “halachah contradicts reality!”
      binic decree to perform any actions   the garden during Shemitta.” When I   We must observe the laws of Shemitta,
      that enhance the growth of a plant.   asked him why, the man explained: “My
      Therefore, it is forbidden to water, to   neighbors are not observant of Torah   including both the Torah law and rab-
      remove weeds (with their roots), to   and mitzvot. If they observe me taking   binic prohibitions of Shemitta. But at
      cut weeds (without removing their   care of the garden, they may get con-  the same time, we must also show our
      roots), to fertilize, to remove stones   fused and think that it is permissible   neighbors that observing Shemitta does
      (to prepare the land for planting), and   to perform forbidden labors as well.”  not require us to destroy our gardens!
      to perform any other such activities.                              That even during a year in which “the
                                       To both of these well meaning Jews,   land rests” (Vayikra 25:2), the land of
      One may perform labors generally   I responded: If the halachah permits   Israel continues to live and exist. Shem-
      forbidden by rabbinic decree during   certain labors in the garden, there is   itta does not cause destruction of the
      Shemitta only when failure to do so   no point in not doing them, thereby   land, but rather the opposite; Shemitta
      will cause the plants to die. In other   causing the garden to look neglected.   leads to the sanctity of the land! Shem-
      words, labors forbidden by rabbinic   On the contrary, such an approach   itta brings a year in which we neither
      decree are permitted during the Shem-  shows that halachah does not align with   create nor renew, but preserve the
      itta year when performed to preserve   reality. Such an approach indicates that   existing and resting land and enjoy its
      that which already exists, so that it   halachah requires a reality of neglect, an   flourishing holiness!
      does not die, but not when performed   existence of destruction and loss. But
      to strengthen and develop that which   this is not the case! Indeed, the laws of
      is growing in the field.         Shemitta are not simple, and without
                                       question, some things are prohibited
      Must I neglect my garden?        during Shemitta. However, halachah does
                                       not forbid maintaining what exists,
      A Jew once told me: “I do not touch my   halachah does not declare that during
      garden at all in the year of the Shemitta.   Shemitta, we must destroy our gardens!  Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon serves as Head of   A member of
      The garden is wild, weeds are grow-                                Mizrachi’s Educational Advisory Board and   the Mizrachi
      ing everywhere, the grass is being   The fear of “lest my neighbor think   Rabbinic Council. He was recently appointed   Speakers Bureau
      destroyed, and I am happy. My garden   that it is permissible to perform for-  as the first Rabbi of the Gush Etzion Regional
      is resting during Shemitta!”     bidden agricultural labors” is marginal   Council.                  speakers

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