Page 62 - FLAT HaMizrachi RH-YK 2021 - USA flipbook_Neat
P. 62


             Four Stages of Teshuva                                                 2 Leaving the sin behind.

                                                                                    After we feel regret, we must
             During the Yamim Noraim, we talk about teshuva, or                     stop acting the way that we
             repentance. But what is it exactly? Teshuva means                      did, and leave the sin behind.

             “return,” and it is our effort to return to Hashem by                  Ask your child: How can we make
             righting the wrongs that we have committed. Teshuva                    sure you don’t do that again?
             is a process, with different stages: recognizing when                  3 Verbalization. Next, we
             we’ve hurt others, righting our wrongs by saying                       verbally express the sin that we
             “sorry” or forgiving, and resolving to do better the                   have committed through Vidui.

             next time. The Yamim Noraim present an opportunity                     Say with your child: “I have done
             to discuss concepts like forgiveness, empathy, and                     such and such; I deeply regret my
                                                                                    actions, and I declare before G-d, Who
             reevaluating priorities together with our children.                    knows my innermost thoughts, that
                                                                                    I will try to never do this again.”

                                                                                    4 Resolution for the future.
             Here are the stages of teshuva     we have done something              Finally, we gather our determi-
             to discuss with your family:       wrong, and genuinely feeling        nation and resolve to not let the
                                                remorse for our sins.               transgression happen again.
             1 Regret. The beginning of         Ask your child: Have you done       Tell your child: I’m here to help
             teshuva is a recognition that      anything lately that you regret?    you. I believe you can do it!

                           Kids are often surprised that teshuva       Make sure your children are
                                  is possible by taking these steps    aware that teshuva is an
                                    in whatever language you           ongoing process that cannot
                                    are most comfortable with,         be accomplished overnight.
                                   and that we can talk to G-d         No matter how many
                             whenever we want to – not just during     times they may stumble
                           the prescribed times for davening.          in the teshuva process, they
                         It is important to dwell on this for a little   can and must simply pick
                          while because the idea that G-d is always    themselves up and keep
                          accessible and that we can always speak to   trying to stay on the right path.
                          Him, even and especially when we’ve done     G-d loves each of us more
                              something wrong, is a foundational       deeply that we can express in
                              principle of our relationship with G-d.  words. All He wants is for us
                                                                       to try as hard as we can!

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