Page 14 - HaMizrachi_1_USA_Neat
P. 14

Greetings from

                                                                                Israel’s Leaders

                                               Naftali Bennett MK
                                               Minister for Education and Diaspora Affairs
                                               and Head of the Jewish Home Party

                                               Yes, the first two generations built   Israel is no longer the young,
           Writing the                         and strengthened Israel against the   fragile and weak country it
                                               backdrop of the War.   But today, our
                                                                                   once was. Israel is a hi-tech
           Next Chapter.                       70th Yom HaAtzmaut is an opportunity     powerhouse exporting life-
                                                                                   saving medical, agricultural
                                               for  us all to shift  into a new,  positive
           Together.                             narrative capable of uniting Jews around   and cyber technologies to the
                                               the world.
                                                                                   world.  There is good reason to
                                                                                   say Hallel and give thanks on
                srael was born only three      Israel exists because the Jewish people   this special day.
                years after the Holocaust, with   dreamed  of  returning  home  for
           I Jerusalem  as  its  capital.  Indeed,   generations.                  Many people worked hard and
           it   was the collective memory of the                                   many died so that we could stand
           Holocaust that helped connect Jews to   Israel exists because we never forgot   on our own two feet. Now  it’s up
           each other and to  Israel. The knowledge   Jerusalem, and ”Next year in a rebuilt   to us – Jews all around the world –
           of what our grandparents went through   Jerusalem” echoed   every Yom Kippur   to write the next chapter in Israel’s
           forged a strong bond between   Jews   and every Passover  from one end of the   history.
           around the world.                   earth to the other.

           70 years later, that is no longer the   Israel exists because the Jewish people
           case, and I think that is a change for the   want to govern themselves, with a
           good. Israel  exists   not because of  the   Hebrew-speaking  parliament and society
           Holocaust, but despite it.          and a life based around a Jewish calendar.

                                                         Avraham Duvdevani
                                  Chairman of the World Zionist Organization

           The Israel-                         possible to build Jewish life in the Dias-  scholars) and major   thought leaders

           Diaspora Bond                       pora without Eretz  Yisrael at its center.   who can delineate the path of Religious
                                                                                   Zionism, and Roshei Yeshiva (yeshiva
                                               Therefore, it is the role of the Religious     heads) and educators who can translate
                  he historical role of Religious   Zionist Movement to set the tone and   this theory and vision into practice.
                  Zionism – “Mizrachi” – was   be the   trailblazer in connecting World
          T always to be a spiritual-religious   Jewry to Eretz Yisrael.           Religious Zionism can and must leverage
             bridge between Israel and the Diaspora.                               all this goodwill and understanding of
                                               The Mizrachi has the ability and the   the centrality of   Eretz Yisrael among
           Today,   the  overseas  Orthodox    tools to spread its wings and fly into   those thousands of young rabbis and
               community is supportive of a genuine   massive action among   hundreds of   influential laymen and women.
           connection with Eretz   Yisrael, a   thousands of Torah-observant Jews
           bond  that  will  express  the  content   looking for reinforcement and motiva-  And so I congratulate the World Mizrachi
           of their lives as Jews. It is a fact that   tion  from the Holy Land, wanting to see   Movement for initiating this publication,
           this   population has an indestructible   the new light illuminating Zion.   which –   through the special spiritual
           spiritual  and   personal  bond                                         powers of Eretz Yisrael – will become
           with  Eretz  Yisrael.  There  are  few   Both in Eretz Yisrael and the Diaspora   a source of strength and   inspiration to
             religious Jews who imagine it is   there are Gedolei Torah (great Torah   thousands of Jews across the globe.

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