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P. 4

The Nature of


                  Revolution, Evolution and the

              Dynamics of Sustainable Change

                                             Rabbi Doron Perez

                 t the core of Judaism is a rev-  model for our future redemption. Reflect-  push off the mitzvot of Purim by an entire
                 olutionary spirit: the inability   ing on the morning sun, Rabbi Chiya the   month?
                 to accept things as they are   Great said to Rabbi Shimon the son of Cha-  The Sages explain (Megillah 6b) that Purim
        Aand the desire to continuously     lafta: “Such is the redemption of Israel. It   must be in the second month of Adar in
        change ourselves and the world for the   begins slowly, progressing stage by stage;   order ה ָּ לּואְגִל ה ָּ לּואְּג ךֹמ ְס ִל, “to connect the
        better. In many ways, Judaism is a protest   the more it progresses, the more [its light]   two redemptions” and ensure that the cel-
        against how things are in favor of what   increases” (Yerushalmi, Berachot 1:1).  ebration of our redemption from Haman
        they ought to be.
                                            The Talmud then cites five chronological   in Adar is juxtaposed to the celebration
        Mordechai and Moshe, the main protag-  verses from Megillat Esther which highlight   of our redemption from Egypt in Nissan,
        onists of the Purim and Pesach miracles,   the gradual ascendancy of Mordechai and   never more than a month apart.
        were revolutionary leaders who shaped   the salvation and redemption he brings to   Although a thousand years separated
        the course Jewish history. Moshe was   the Jews. As the morning sun rises slowly   these two redemptions, the Sages insisted
        hand-picked by Hashem, leading millions   but surely, stage after stage, bringing light   that they must be celebrated in close prox-
        of slaves to a miraculous redemption,   to a dark world until it shines in full glory,   imity to one another, for the redemption
        unparalleled in the annals of human his-  the redemption of Purim occurred natu-  of Purim informs the way we experience
        tory. Mordechai refused to bow to Haman   rally, with a step by step progression. This   Pesach and is the blueprint for the future
        and, together with Esther, astonishingly   is how the Sages envisioned the future   redemption.
        reversed the imminent edict of total   redemption of Israel.
        annihilation.                       This teaching explains a critical halacha   The original Pesach vs. the Pesach Seder

        But revolution is a double-edged sword. A   relating to the Jewish calendar. When-  The stage by stage, natural redemption of
        revolution effects change extraordinarily   ever there is a leap year and we add a   Purim is similar to the way we celebrate
        quickly, but that haste requires skipping   second month of Adar, Purim is always   Pesach today, and entirely different from
        stages of development that are essential   celebrated during the second month of   the fast-paced, original redemption from
        for lasting change. It’s no surprise that   Adar. This seems to violate halachic prin-  Egypt.
        many revolutions are short-lived, often   ciples such as תֹוו ְצ ִּ מ ַה ל ַע ןי ִרי ִב ֲע ַמ ןי ֵא, “do not
        leaving a wake of destruction in their path.  pass over a mitzvah at hand” (Megillah 6b),   םִי ַר ְצ ִמ ח ַס ֶּ פ, the original Pesach celebrated
                                            ת ֹוו ְצ ִמ ְל ןי ִמי ִ ּ ד ְק ַמ ןי ִזי ִר ְז, “one with alacrity   in Egypt, is not the paradigm for תֹורֹו ּ ד ח ַס ֶּ פ,
                                            performs mitzvot right away” (Pesachim   the Pesach celebrated through all the
        The Purim paradigm                                   ָ
                                            4a), and ה ָּנ ֶצי ִמ ְח ַּ ת ל ַא ך ְד ָי ְל ה ָא ָּ ב ַה ה ָו ְצ ִמ, “if a   generations  of  Jewish history, and it
        For this reason, the Sages insist that the   mitzvah comes before you do not let it grow   is certainly not the paradigm for the
        natural redemption of Purim serves as the   old” (Mechilta, Shemot 12:17). Why do we   future redemption. In fact, the way we

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