Page 47 - HaMizrachi Purim 5783 USA
P. 47

Entertainment Hidden

                                  in Plain Sight

                                                   Lisa Baratz

                 ard as it may be for us to   be emphasizing how far Haman was will-  The Megillah itself is wearing a costume;
                 believe, since we take our Bible   ing to go to achieve his evil goals.  it is an entertaining story dressed up as a
                 very seriously (which is a good   Esther instructs Mordechai to command   history book. Its authors wanted us to be
        Hthing!), there are aspects of      all the Jews in Shushan, including Esther   entertained and enthralled. It wants to
        Megillat Esther that are exaggerated for   herself and her maidservants, to fast for 3   make our jaws drop. But all too often, we
        comedic or for dramatic purposes. These   days. She does not leave room for any loop-  are so distant from the ancient past that
        details are a deliberate and intentional   holes and is specific in the requirements:   we miss the point. It is a different genre.
        caricature of reality, though that doesn’t   “do not eat nor drink for three whole days,   This year, don’t just study the Megillah.
        mean they did not happen. Here are some   day and night” (Esther 4:16). 72 hours with-  Don’t be hostage to preconceived notions.
        examples:                           out eating a thing? Could the people really   Enjoy it as its authors wished you would;
        The Megillah describes Achashverosh’s   have kept such a command?       they went to great lengths to make it
        lavish feast that lasted for 180 days – a   Later we learn that Haman built a post   entertaining.
        full half a year. This isn’t a feasible way to   “50 cubits (amot) high” upon which he   Based on a conversation with Dr. Leeor Gottlieb
        run a kingdom. But because we are used to   planned to hang Mordechai (Esther 5:14).   of Bar-Ilan University.
        the story we do not ask what the real-life   In ancient times, building such an edifice
        implications of this were.          (overnight, in his backyard no less) would
        Haman pays Achashverosh 10,000 kikar   have been quite an engineering feat.
        kesef, bars of silver. Not shekels or coins,   Whether you follow the Chazon Ish or Rav
        but bars. Nowhere else in Tanach do we   Chaim Naeh’s view on the size of an amah,
        find kings who possessed such an enor-  this post would have been roughly 75 feet
        mous amount of silver. None even come   tall – taller than an eight-story building.
        close to that! When Avraham purchased   This is almost certainly an exaggeration    Lisa Baratz
        the Me’arat HaMachpelah, he paid 400 shek-  to show how badly Haman wanted to kill   serves as a Vice President of the Religious
        els of silver for a cave and a field (Bereishit   Mordechai.              Zionists of America. A criminal defense
        23:15). Later, David paid 50 shekels of silver                            attorney with a passion for Jewish educa-
        to Aravna the Yevusi for a goren (threshing                              tion, she lives in Hollywood, Florida where
        floor) and a pair of oxen (Shmuel II 24:24).                             she chairs the adult education committee
        These amounts are nowhere close to the                                     for the Young Israel of Hollywood and
        amount of money Haman pays Achash-                                         teaches a popular weekly Nach shiur.
        verosh. It seems to be an exaggera-
        tion. Haman is just a government
        minister; how could he have
        amassed so much wealth?
        The Megillah appears to

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