Page 4 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 4

statehood in the Land of Israel in any   in Durban. This conference, which was   As mentioned, instead of supporting
                   size, shape or form. 3            supposed to tackle racism, turned into   Israel for its moral and defensive stance
                                                     a hate fest of prejudice and racism   against a breach of its sovereignty and
                   Flu and Covid viruses spread quickly
                   and are transmitted even through   against Israel. Every international   ongoing rocket fire, many around
                                                                                      the world sided with Hamas. Despite
                                                     human rights issue was trivialized
                   breathing. The ability for airborne
                   transmission without any physical   while democratic Israel was accused of   uprooting its own citizens from Gaza,
                                                                                      relinquishing land and doing its utmost
                                                     the greatest crimes against humanity.
                   contact makes it particularly prone to
                   spreading in pandemic proportions. So   Israel-stigmatization dominated the   not to harm Palestinian civilians, Israel
                                                                                      was increasingly and disgracefully
                                                     whole conference.
                   too the spread of ideas today. The great
                   transformation of global information   As Bernard-Henri Levy, one of France’s   smeared for its actions. The virus
                                                                                      was clearly spreading in pandemic
                   technology, particularly the internet,   leading public intellectuals noted:
                   created an unparalleled medium of   “Some 6,000 NGO representatives invited to   proportions.
                   connectivity for carriers of cultural   the event slid easily from rabid anti-Zionism   Needless to say, since the virus is rooted
                   change. Unfiltered information can   to good old-fashioned antisemitism... It was   in classic Jew hatred, each operation
                   now spread further and faster than   Act 1 of neo-antisemitism. Never had we   was followed by acts of violence against
                   ever before. Prejudicial views can   witnessed its full expression on such a scale   Jews around the world. It can no longer
                   spread contagiously in ways unimag-  and with such a dark force.” 4  be argued that Israel’s policies in the
                   inable even a generation ago. Respon-                              ‘territories’ is the issue, but rather Isra-
                   sible checks and balances and global   The virus had not only successfully   el’s very right to exist as a Jewish State.
                   mechanisms and institutions are yet to   mutated but now had ‘carriers’ from   Attacks on Israel are no longer about
                   be created to curb this global dissemi-  countries throughout the world. The   politics but about prejudice, and criti-
                   nation of hatred.                 mechanism for an immoral contagion   cisms of the Jewish State are no longer
                                                     was in place.                    policy but moral perversion.
                   Twenty years of pandemics         What made the discriminatory con-  Thankfully, viruses can be conquered.
                   in the making                     clusion of the Durban Conference so   Not all can be eradicated but they can
                                                     abhorrent was that it came only a year   be overcome by living alongside them
                   Since the turn of the century, I have   after the most generous peace offer the
                   noticed some parallels between the   Palestinians had ever received at the   without surrendering to them.
                   spread and mutations of biological   Camp David Summit. The Palestinians   May 5782 be a year of great healing
                   viruses and that of the virus of antisem-  were offered the opportunity to estab-  and discovering better ways to protect
                   itism and Israel demonization. Indeed,   lish their own State, free of settlements   ourselves from the viral variants, both
                   the threat of a global pandemic has   in the West Bank and Gaza, with a capi-  biological and moral, and a year of inoc-
                   been lurking for almost 20 years. The                              ulations of moral and spiritual truth,
                   Covid-19 virus is officially known as the   tal in East Jerusalem. Incredibly, and to   justice and fairness in combating the
                                                     the dismay of President Clinton, Arafat
                   SARS-COV2 virus and is actually a muta-                            world’s oldest hatred.
                   tion of the SARS1 virus, which began to   rejected the offer.       Part 2 will appear in the upcoming Sukkot
                   spread in 2002. SARS stands for Severe   How could absolute Palestinian denial-  edition of HaMizrachi.
                   Acute Respiratory Syndrome. SARS1   ism of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish
                   spread rapidly between 2002–2004. In   State be rewarded by a UN conference
                   2005, there was a significant spread of   criticizing Israel of the most horrific   1   Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Future Tense, pp. 91–92.
                   the Avian or Bird Flu. Between 2013–  human rights violations, while fully
                                                                                        In the next edition of HaMizrachi, I will focus on
                   2016, the world experienced the deadly   absolving the other side? The virus was   2 another two: its parasitic nature, i.e., it cannot
                   spread of the Ebola virus, and begin-  clearly infecting its hosts.   reproduce without finding a host organism, and
                   ning in late 2019, SARS-COV2, Covid-19,                            how it corrupts the host.
                   the most hazardous of all.        Disengagement, denialism         3   See HaMizrachi Vol. 4 No. 3, p. 3, Tisha B’Av
                   Coupled with the reality of global air   and demonization          edition ( The
                                                                                      Gaon’s explanation sees Moav as the root of spir-
                   travel today, the pandemic is a menace   The plague of Israel demonization   itual antisemitism, Edom as wishing to physically
                   to overcome. Israel is a prime example,   would continue to spread. In 2005,   destroy the Jewish people and the Philistinesּ as
                   having had as few as two cases a day in   Israel implemented the Gaza Disen-  opposing any Jewish sovereignty in Eretz Yisrael
                   February and at the time of writing, up   gagement, uprooting all 9,000 civil-  (Aderet Eliyahu, Chavakuk 3:14).
                   to 7,000 a day mainly due to the open-  ians who had settled in the Gush Katif   4   The Jerusalem Post, Friday, August 13, 2021, p. 19.
                   ing of the skies and the intrusion of the   area. However, instead of responding   5   Over the last 14 years, Hamas has forced Israel
                   Delta variant.                                                     to defend itself in five different operations: 2008,
                                                     in kind, choosing peace, reconciliation   Hot Winter; 2008/2009, Cast Lead; 2012, Pillars of
                   Incredibly, a parallel phenomenon   and freedom, Gazans chose Hamas in   Defense, 2014, Protective Edge and 2021, Guard-
                   occurred with the antisemitism virus,   their last democratic election to date, in   ians of The Walls.
                   as its new mutation into Israel demon-  2007. With full control of Gaza, Hamas
                   ization began to threaten as a potential   chose a path of death, denialism and   Rabbi Doron Perez is the Executive Chairman
                   pandemic in 2001 at the UN Conference   destruction. 5             of World Mizrachi.

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