Page 53 - HaMizrachi Sukkot 5783 USA
P. 53

I met with a fascinating woman named Sarah, from   of the color of her skin, and how she has fought for
          a family of Greek and Turkish Jews. Born and raised   her brother to be allowed to make Aliyah to rejoin the
          in Cairo, her family spoke Arabic, French, and Ladino   family. She is still advocating for the Israeli govern-
          and dreamed of one day immigrating to the State of   ment to allow him and his family to come home.
          Israel. When tensions began to rise for Jews in Cairo
          in the 1950s, her family escaped Egypt for France and   When I was a small child, my grandfather, a Holo-
          ultimately immigrated to America. Eventually, with   caust survivor, impressed upon me the importance
          her husband and children, she made Aliyah and was   of recording and retelling stories. He taught me that
          one of the first families to settle in Gush Etzion.   the narratives we tell ourselves define who we are
                                                       and what we value, and guide us as we chart a path
          I was connected to Shlomit, who grew up in Kolasib,   for the future.
          India, as part of the Bnei Menashe tribe. She traces her
          family lineage back to her ancient people and told me   As a storyteller, my life in Israel has opened up my
          how she discovered her faith in Judaism and longed to   eyes, helping me see our people and our homeland
          live in Israel with all her soul. She walked me through   with a wider focus. Jewish history is vast and com-
          her Aliyah and conversion process and her family cus-  plicated. Over thousands of years of exile, we were
          toms, foods, and cultures. I marveled at how her family   scattered to the farthest corners of the world, far from
          history finally led her home.                our land and from each other. It is awe-inspiring to
                                                       witness the herculean efforts of so many of our broth-
          I became friends with an amazing young woman   ers and sisters who are fighting to rejoin our people
          named Chaya, from Puebla, Mexico. For generations,   and come home at last.
          her mother’s family was believed to have descended
          from Jews in Valencia, Spain, as it was their family sur-  The future of our nation and the Land of Israel will
          name. Though they never formally identified as Jews,   be built by the narratives we tell of the past, present,
          they always kept the tenets of the Jewish faith; kashrut,   and future. The more we learn about each other and
          tzniut, Shabbat, and more. Through an incredible jour-  the more we dedicate ourselves to building unity and
          ney of discovery, most of her family has now officially   taking an active part in the ingathering of the exiles,
          converted to Judaism through the Israeli Rabbanut   the closer we will come to our final redemption. May
          and made Aliyah, building families and serving in the   we see it soon!
          IDF. I was recently honored to have been invited to her
          wedding here in Israel!                      Shira Lankin Sheps, MSW, is a writer, photographer, and clini-
                                                       cally trained therapist. She is the creator and publisher of The
          I was introduced to Sewalem, who was born to a   Layers Project Magazine, an online magazine that explores
          Jewish mother and Christian father in a small Ethio-  in-depth insights into the challenges and triumphs of the
          pian village called Wegera. Sewalem, her mother and   lives of Jewish women. She is the author of "Layers: Personal
          some of her siblings were able to make Aliyah from   Narratives of Struggle, Resilience, and Growth From Jewish
          Addis Ababa when she was a little girl. She explained   Women" published by Toby Press in 2021. She facilitates The
          what it was like to go on a plane for the first time,   Layers Writing Workshops, and has written with hundreds of
          and to leave almost everything she knew behind –   women over the years, helping them explore their personal
          food, culture, and even her elder brother. She told me   narratives, discover meaning in their struggles, and share their
          about the racism she has experienced in Israel because   stories in a safe and healthy way.  (PHOTOS: COURTESY)

                          Chaya                                         Sewalem
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