Page 30 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5781 Australia
P. 30


                                                                                    Rabbi Yuval Cherlow

                       Israel and Arms Export

              ne of Religious Zionism’s     obligate the Jewish State to limit itself in   and because dealers are usually former
              deepest messages is that when   this area? Doesn’t the duty to “do what   senior officers close to government
      Owe deal with the Jewish char-        is good and right in the eyes of G-d”   bodies, these deals are often associated
       acter of the State of Israel, we do not   also apply to the export of weapons?   with bribery, corruption and the like.
       focus solely on matters of bein adam   To begin with, Jewish law states that it   When the State of Israel participates
       laMakom. Of course, government       is actually forbidden to sell weapons to   in this type of arms deal, it harms its
       laws regarding Shabbat, marriage and   non-Jews: “And furthermore, it is taught   Jewish character and desecrates Hash-
       divorce, kashrut and conversion are sta-  in a baraita: One may not sell weapons   em’s Name.
       ples in the character of a Jewish State.   or auxiliary equipment to non-Jews,
       But Torah attention must also be given   and one may not sharpen weapons for   Yom HaAtzmaut is a kind of Rosh
       to the ways in which the country itself   them. And one may not sell them stocks   Hashanah for the State of Israel. This
       is conducted, such as determining    used for fastening the feet of prisoners,   is the right time for introspection; to
       socio-economic policy, leading the fight   or iron neck chains (kolarin), or foot   rejoice in the innumerable good things
       against corruption, etc.             chains, or iron chains. This prohibition   this country does, but also – as on Rosh
                                            applies equally to both a non-Jew and
       One of the ethical issues at the center of   a Samaritan” (Masechet Avodah Zarah   Hashanah – to repent and correct what
       how a Jewish State should be run is the   15b).                           needs to be corrected. Those who follow
       question of the arms industry. Jewish                                     the path of Torah must participate in
       ethics states that םי ִ מ ְ דֹוק ךיֶּי ַ ח – your own   However, the poskim allowed the export   the call for the State of Israel to pursue
       life takes priority over the life of anyone   of weapons for various reasons: 1)   a policy of arms exports according to
       else. Therefore, the basis for ethical   national pikuach nefesh 2) on condition   Halacha, within the proper moral and
       behavior is for one to first take care of   the sale is to countries that maintain law   ethical constraints, thereby sowing our
       oneself. In national terms, in order to   and order, and uphold the international   deep faith in the vision for the End of
       defend itself, the State of Israel must   principles of combat morality, and other   Days, when “nation shall not take up
       maintain a developed and advanced    reasons. These heterim are essential and   sword against nation; they shall never
       arms industry, until the days of Mashi-  in keeping with Halacha and the foun-  know war again.”
       ach, when “the wolf shall dwell with the   dations of Jewish law. However, there
       lamb, the leopard shall lie down with   is no heter to sell weapons to countries
       the kid.” In the modern world though,   or private entities that violate human
       to sustain an arms industry demands   rights, or use the weapons they buy to
       arms export – to maintain an economic   commit war crimes and genocide.   Rabbi Yuval Cherlow is a Rosh Yeshiva
       base for the industry, to examine the                                     and a founding member of an organization
       effectiveness of weapons, for diplomatic   Moreover, the arms export environment   devoted to bridging the religious-secular
       purposes, etc.                       is always accompanied by moral decay.   divide in Israel.
                                            Because these transactions are often
       Does this mean that everything is    done “in the dark,” because tremen-       A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
       allowed though? Does  Halacha  not   dous amounts of money are involved,

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