Page 8 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5781 Australia
P. 8


                                                                                Rabbi Reuven Taragin

                     What Covid Taught Us

                   About the State of Israel

             risis brings out the worst and   We have also shown this in the exten-  needs. We grew accustomed to needing
             best in people and peoples. Cel-  sive and intensive vaccination drive.    to work around governments to protect
      Cebrating the anniversary of the                                           our individual needs in situations when
       founding of the State of Israel a year   Working Together with            the national authority was attacking or
       into and hopefully emerging from the   a Common Goal                      even just neglecting us.
       Corona pandemic is an excellent time
       to reflect on what we have learned   The  vaccination  drive  also  showed   Now, Baruch Hashem, we have returned
                                            our ingenuity and ability to work well
       about ourselves as a people and about                                     to our own state. This does not mean
       the State of Israel. On the one hand,   together as a people and country when   our government is perfect, but it does
       we have been reminded of the special   we share a common goal. The fact that   mean it is our government – elected
                                            we managed to acquire and administer
       qualities of Am Yisrael as a people and,                                  by us and committed to our health and
       on the other, about the challenges of   one of the world’s highest percentages of   success. Even if one is of a different
       returning to and building a country   vaccines so quickly is truly remarkable.     political persuasion and/or disagrees
       after thousands of years in exile.   Benny Gantz and his party’s decision to   with the government’s decisions, dis-
                                            join the Netanyahu government (after   respecting its guidelines threatens the
       Mi KeAmcha Yisrael                   they had previously promised not to   basic notion of its ability to play its crit-
       We Value Human Life                  join) is also a great expression of our   ical national role.
                                            ability to prioritize the value of human   Obviously, the State of Israel’s current
       Judaism places a very high premium   life and our common goals.
       on life. We are commanded (not just                                       political instability and hostility has
       allowed) to violate Shabbat and almost                                    not helped matters. We can only hope
       all of our mitzvot in the face of even a   Where We Are Lacking           that the recent election will help bring a
       potential threat to human life. In fact,   There is, unfortunately, another side   stable government that can strengthen
       halacha brands one who is cavalier   to the story. Sadly, as Corona dragged   our sense of statehood.
       about human life a rotzeach (murderer).  on for months, many people grew tired   On Yom HaAtzmaut, we celebrate the
                                            of the restrictions and lost faith in the
       Israel has one of the world’s lowest                                      founding of our State. After a Corona
       Covid deaths:infections ratios. One of   government and its guidelines. We saw   year that reminded us of our values and
                                            this from many different segments and
       the reasons for this is our health profes-  sides of the political spectrum. Mass   unique abilities, but also challenged our
       sionals’ devotion to helping the infected                                 sense of statehood, it is critical that
       recover. This devotion is reflective of   gatherings for funerals, protests, orga-  this year’s celebration reinforces our
                                            nizational and individual disregard
       the value they and we place on saving   for guidelines, and even document   appreciation of what the great zechut of
       and sustaining human life.                                                having the State of Israel demands of us.
       Am Yisrael as  a whole also showed   Feelings of tiredness and even loss of
       its appreciation for human life at the   faith are very understandable and there
       beginning of the pandemic, when we   are many government decisions that
       respected the guidelines of the first   can definitely be criticized. That said, it
       closure and safely distanced ourselves   is important to understand that the only
       from our parents, grandparents and   way to properly face national challenges     Scan  here  to  join  Rabbi  Taragin’s
       close relatives even during the chagim.                                   WhatsApp group with daily Divrei Torah
                                            is by having a government that coor-
       As opposed to many countries who     dinates our joint efforts. As a people   Rabbi Reuven Taragin is Educational
       prioritized keeping their economy and   in exile, we grew accustomed to living   Director of Mizrachi and Dean of the
                                                                                 Yeshivat HaKotel Overseas Program.
       travel/leisure open above protecting   in countries run by governments often
       human life, we have been consistent in   antisemitic or at least unsympathetic   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
       prioritizing human life.             to their Jewish population and their

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