Page 221 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 221
ןנברמ אברוצ ןקה חוליש תוכלה · 219
In this shiur we will study the halachot of Shiluach Hakein, a relatively uncommon mitzva today, but a special
one nonetheless for those who are privileged to fulfill it. The Torah teaches us that there is a positive mitzva
to send a mother bird away before taking her young or her eggs, for which Hashem promises long life to
those who fulfill it. Furthermore, there is a negative prohibition to take the mother together with her young.
The source for both of these Torah laws is in Sefer Devarim.
t Devarim 22:6-7 ז-ו:בכ | םירבד 1 .
If you happen to come across a bird’s nest on your way, in any tree ל ַ ע ֹוא ץ ֵ ע ל ָ כ ְּ ב ך ֶ ר ֶ ּ ד ַּ ב ךיֶנ ָ פ ְ ל רֹו ּ פ ִ צ ן ַ ק א ֵ ר ָּ קִי י ִּ כ
or on the ground, with chicks or eggs [in it] and the mother [bird] ל ַ ע ת ֶ צ ֶ בֹר ם ֵ א ָ ה ְ ו םי ִ צי ֵ ב ֹוא םי ִ חֹר ְ פ ֶ א ץ ֶ ר ָ א ָ ה
is sitting over the chicks or on the eggs, do not take the mother ל ַ ע ם ֵ א ָ ה ח ַּ ק ִ ת אלֹ םי ִ צי ֵּ ב ַ ה ל ַ ע ֹוא םי ִ חֹר ְ פ ֶ א ָ ה
together with her young. :םיִנ ָּ ב ַ ה
Send away the mother, and take the young, in order that you may ך ָ ל ח ַּ ק ִּ ת םיִנ ָּ ב ַ ה ת ֶ א ְ ו ם ֵ א ָ ה ת ֶ א ח ַּ ל ַ ׁש ְּ ת ַ ח ֵּ ל ַ ׁש
fare well and have a long life.
:םי ִ מָי ָּ ת ְ כ ַ ר ֲ א ַ ה ְ ו ך ָ ל ב ַ טיִי ן ַ ע ַ מ ְ ל
r Rashi, ibid. םש | י"שר 2 .
If you happen to come across – This excludes if it is readily :ןמוזמל טרפ – א ֵ ר ָּ קִי יכ
available [mezuman]. :הינב לע הדועב – םאה חקית אל
Do not take the mother – While she is still [sitting] on her הב ןיאש הלק הווצמ םא – ךל בטיי ןעמל
young. ךל בטיי ןעמל" הרות הרמא ,סיכ ןורסח
In order that you my fare well – If for an easy mitzva where there לש ןרכש ןתמל רמוחו לק – "םימי תכראהו
is no loss of money, the Torah states “in order that you fare well :תורומח תווצמ
and have a long life,” how much more so will the reward be for
difficult mitzvot.
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