Page 16 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5783 USA
P. 16
The Significance of the State of Israel
I cannot explain it myself, but it is intuitively clear to Yes, “You distinguished.” Providence selected them as
me that the historical phase that has lasted these past partners in the great miracle of the redemption of the
eight or nine years – you can call this the phase of hester land, which is being realized now before our very eyes.
panim, in which G-d’s presence is hidden from our sight
– has passed. Maimonides understands hester panim I say this not so much with joy as with pain, because I
would have preferred that all religious groups would
as a period when historical events become chaotic,
wild, absurd, arbitrary, and cruel; when all rational- have contributed to the work in which the G-d of Israel
is interested – and, seemingly, highly interested. For
ity and comprehensibility are shed (Moreh Nevuchim
III:51). When I remember the entire Nazi era with its how else can we explain the great miracle that is the
animal-like insanity and the casual indifference of the State of Israel? Are you really going to tell me that
Christian world, I can only describe it using the words the Master of the Universe is not building the Land of
of the verses in Parashat Vayelech that Maimonides cited: Israel? Heaven forbid! “Unless the L-rd builds the house,
its builders labor in vain on it” (Tehillim 127:1). But who
“Then My anger will flare up against them, and I will
abandon them and hide My countenance from them. is actually participating in the building? The sinners.
They shall be ready prey; and many evils and troubles Are you really going to tell me that the Master of the
shall befall them. And they shall say on that day, ‘Surely Universe is not defending the Land of Israel from all of
it is because our G-d is not in our midst that these evils its enemies? Who is protecting the Land of Israel? The
have befallen us.’ Yet I will keep My countenance hidden State Department, the Security Council, [John Foster]
on that day” (Devarim 31:17–18). “That day,” the dreadful Dulles, Churchill, Eden? I wish that all Orthodox Jews,
day of hester panim, lawlessness, and all-consuming from the Neturei Karta to the Rabbinical Council of
anarchy, has passed. Never again will this happen in America, would grasp that the State of Israel, with all
Jewish history… of its deficiencies, has accomplished something that no
human fantasy could imagine: in a historic way, it has
True, today we are bleeding profusely in the Land of sanctified G-d’s Name in the face of the Christian world.
Israel, the precious blood of “the dear children of Zion”
(Eichah 4:2). But these sacrifices are not sacrifices of During the Hitler era, thousands of missionaries and
hester panim, which are not accepted, toward which plain theologians, including the great Karl Barth, would
G-d does not turn – “but to Cain and his offering He regularly claim that the words of the New Testament
paid no heed” (Bereishit 4:5). Rather, they are fragrant and the [blood] curse of That Man [Jesus] were being ful-
offerings, through which we build a glorious future and filled. The Jewish people was being obliterated because
which bring to the Jewish name honor and praise. Per- it had not accepted the Nazarene. Lectures to this effect
haps even today the middat haDin, the attribute of judg- could be heard on America’s greatest university cam-
ment, still prevails, and the Knesset Yisrael suffers and puses. Speakers would read aloud chapters from the
bleeds. But one cannot consider this the hester panim of New Testament and compare them with the facts being
Treblinka and Dachau. One must always distinguish reported in the newspapers. I myself had to debate with
between hester panim and middat haDin. Hester panim many Gentiles about this. Jewish boys and girls were
means aimless, crazy sacrifice; middat haDin means being influenced by such messaging. The youth began
purposeful sacrifice. The progression of Jewish history asking questions, big questions, historic questions. And
has ceased to be chaotic, insane, and absurd. It now has within the specific climate of the American Jewish
a sense of purpose and significance. It has a direction community, with its neurotic fear of antisemitism and
and an objective. its glorification of Christianity, in which Reform cler-
gymen played a large part, there loomed the danger of
(Jewish Sovereignty and the Redemption of the Shekhinah, extinction. The shtiblech of Williamsburg and a procla-
June 1948) mation by the Union of Orthodox Rabbis would have
helped little in this connection. Jews were on the verge
Let me clarify why I feel so connected to the Mizrachi. of losing their faith in Eternal Israel.
First, rabbotai, simply as an expression of gratitude, of Do you know who, with a single declaration, negated all
historical appreciation. “I accounted to your favor the of their theological claims and arguments? The people
devotion of your youth, your love as a bride – how you assembled at that late Friday afternoon gathering at
followed Me in the wilderness, in a land not sown” which Ben-Gurion presided and which declared Israel’s
(Yirmiyahu 2:2). The Mizrachi and HaPoel HaMizrachi independence. You know who else? The Jewish army,
built the Land of Israel at a time when other religious the girls and boys with their rifles and self-sacrifice.
groups still kept the building of the land at arm’s length. “Today I have rolled away from you the disgrace of
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