Page 5 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5783 USA
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– anti-Zionism? How is it that the very   8. Is it truly possible to separate religion
        Jewish state that Herzl believed would   and state in Israel and how is this issue
        solve antisemitism is today the source of it?  unique to the unity of a Jewish state?
        2. Why did antisemitism change from   9. What is the connection between the
        opposition to Judaism and the Jewish   unity of the Jewish people and Yishaya-
        people to opposition to the Jewish state?   hu’s prophetic call to be “a light unto the
        How can it be that in living memory of the   nations”?
        Holocaust it is as dangerous for a Zionist   10.  How  can  Israel’s  greatest  political
        Jew today to walk the streets of Damas-  leader, King David, guide us to a sustain-
        cus, Ramallah or Baghdad as it was for a   able solution?
        European Jew in Berlin, Warsaw or Vienna
        in 1940?                            Jewish sovereignty has invoked both
                                            fierce antagonism and enormous oppor-
        3. Why have the Arab world and the Pal-  tunities for the future of Jewish destiny.
        estinians consistently turned down every   What is required are new paradigms for
        offer of a two-state solution for over 80   thinking about the Jewish state – both its
        years? Why will they not accept a Jewish   challenges and potential solutions. Issues
        state and an Arab state, side by side in   relating to collective Jewish destiny ought
        Eretz Yisrael?                      to be viewed through a spiritual paradigm,
        4. Why have all conventional paradigms   reflecting the Divine mission that the
        of diplomacy and peacemaking dismally   Jewish people have always believed has   The Jewish State - From Opposition to Opportunity will
        failed thus far in the Israeli-Palestinian   been bestowed upon them. The Tanach,   be launched at the World Orthodox Israel Congress,
        conflict? Why did one of the world’s great-  the book of books reflecting the Jewish   following Yom HaAtzmaut.
        est peacemakers, Professor Padraig O’Mal-  people’s great contribution to humanity,
        ley – who played a significant role for over   has much to contribute to the pressing   and a paradigm for its internal unity. The
        twenty five years in achieving peace in   issues of our time.           biblical figures of Avraham and David are
        war-torn Northern Ireland and then spent   It is impossible to fathom the unique   the founding pillars of Jewish nationhood
        twenty years aiding apartheid South Afri-  phenomenon of Jewish destiny without   and sovereign leadership respectively,
        ca’s peaceful transition to democracy in   reflecting on our ancient and sacred texts   and they serve to anchor some of the
        1993 – give up his attempts for peace in   and the interpretations of our great sages   central ideas presented, particularly Rav
        the Israeli-Palestinian conflict after five   to assist us in better framing and under-  Kook’s unique recipe for Jewish unity. The
        years, coining the phrase “The Two State   standing the issues of the hour. Modern   book will engage in Yishayahu’s vision
        Delusion”? Is it possible that the solution   Jewish sovereignty may be an innovation   of a Jewish state being ‘a light unto the
        to the sustainability of a Jewish state lies   of the 20th century, but this is not the first   nations’ – being a positive example of how
        not in the realm of geopolitics but in meta-  time we have been a sovereign nation, and   modernity and morality, statecraft and
        physics – that the ultimate solution is a   not the first time we have faced violent   spirituality, particularity and universality
        spiritual one and not only a political one?  opposition to our sovereignty.  can be woven together for the sake of a
        5. Why is the world disproportionately   Weaving together ideas from great think-  better spiritual and ethical world.
        obsessed with the Jewish people – termed   ers and leaders, this book will grapple with
        by a leading historian of antisemitism as   these big questions: A phenomenal idea
        a “lethal obsession”? Why is the Jewish   of the Gaon of Vilna on the categories of
        state judged by a double standard and a   antisemitism and their biblical anteced-
        higher moral expectation than every other   ents; Professor Robert Wistrich’s historical
        nation?                             research which bears this out; Rabbi Avra-
                                            ham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook, Zionism’s
        6. What can the Tanach teach us about   greatest rabbinic leader, on the meaning
        addressing the vehement opposition to   of a Jewish state and his remarkable
        Jewish statehood and the deep divisions   thesis of how to unite it; and Rabbi Lord
        and ideological diversity within Israeli   Jonathan Sacks, arguably the greatest
        society today?                                                                    Rabbi Doron Perez
                                            rabbinic thinker and moral leader of this   is the Executive Chairman
        7. Is there a recipe for unity in Israel today   generation, on the modern mutation of   of World Mizrachi.
        that will allow the different ideological   antisemitism and the meaning of Jewish
        camps within Israeli society to move from   destiny. Infused with a spirit of Religious   Join me at the
        continuous conflict and confrontation to   Zionism, this book presents a new-old   World Orthodox Israel Congress  Est.          1902
        harmoniously living together?       contemporary vision of Jewish statehood                        120 YEARS OF RELIGIOUS ZIONISM

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