Page 11 - HaMizrachi 2 Chicago Edition
P. 11
Six-Day Operation Moked:
Miracles within Miracles
une 5th, 1967, 7:15 am. Almost on the ground. Had the Egyptian jets been in very morning and the word “Anab” was no
all the planes in the Israeli Air the air at 7:30, they would have spotted the longer valid. The Jordanian supervisor had
J Force set off to attack their Israelis, alerted their comrades and severely made a mistake and used the old code word
Egyptian counterparts. Only 12 planes curtailed the success of Operation Moked. which Egyptian Intelligence, who had been
stayed in Israel. It was a huge risk. using the new code from midnight, didn’t
In the investigation conducted by the understand.
On June 4th, the Egyptian War Minister, Egyptian Chief of Staff after the war, the
Abdel Hakim Amer, decided he would take reason for the critical delay came to light. These three events occurred at exactly the
an air tour above Sinai the next morning same time: 7:30 in the morning, the critical
and meet his officers stationed on the The evening before, the Commander-in- moments, as Israeli planes – unaware of
Israeli border. Chief of the Egyptian Air Force, General what was happening behind enemy lines
Sidki Mahmoud, had decided to hold a – made their way across the Egyptian
He invited some senior army personnel party at the Anshas airfield for his pilots, to coastline to eliminate 120 planes on the
and a delegation from the Iraqi Army, and raise their morale. The party, full of food, ground!
they were due to take off in special planes drinks and belly dancers, went on till the
leaving Cairo at 7 am. To ensure their early hours of the morning. Coincidences? Chance? Luck?
safety, Amer ordered his anti-aircraft units
to cease their fire between 7 and 8 in the Hence it is no surprise they were late for No! The Divine Presence was riding the
morning. their morning jaunt! wings of the planes, granting the Jewish
people a victory unprecedented in the
Precisely the hour the Israeli pilots were But that’s not all… annals of modern warfare.
setting off for their mission...
There was a brand new radar base in Adapted from “The Six-Day War Scroll” by Dr. Hagi
What is amazing is that Israeli Intelligence Ajloun, Jordan, observing all parts of Ben-Artzi. Published by World Mizrachi and Sifriat
knew absolutely nothing about this VIP Israel and the eastern shores of the Beit-El, 2017
tour; neither the planning nor when it Mediterranean Sea. The Jordanian Army
happened. was under Egyptian command so a joint
code was implemented for communication
The next story is no less astonishing... between the two armies.
On that same morning, the Egyptians were On the same morning, at 7:20 am, dozens of
flying over the shores of Sinai with four minute dots filled the Jordanian radar screens.
new MiG-21s. These flights began at 4:30 The dots were moving quickly towards the
am and ended at 8:30 am. Their aim was to coast of Egypt. The Jordanian supervisor
pre-empt any Israeli air strike. However, the immediately identified them as Israeli planes.
7:30 take-off was delayed.
He immediately transmitted the code
General Al Hamid el Dajidi wanted to find out word for an Israeli attack – “Anab” (grape)
the reason for the delay. His Deputy Commander to Egyptian Headquarters. But Egyptian
apologized, saying he had overslept and was Intelligence couldn’t decipher the message.
now on his way to the planes. The Jordanian supervisor tried again and
again – “Anab,” “Anab,” but to no avail. The
But Israeli fighter planes were already Egyptians cut the line to their Jordanian ally. (
bombing the airport and disabling the planes It turns out the code had been changed that