P. 23
Virtual Schooling
Virtual School in the period of Lockdowns
The entire world is experiencing an unprecedent experience of “Quarantines”,
“Isolation” and “Lockdown” and people are wearing masks, using hand sanitizers
and maintaining social distancing .The field of education too has undergone a
paradigm shift, resulting in us redefining and revamping education in this COVID-19
DPS Paradip Refinery has revamped and catalyzes a major transformation in the
Teaching- Learning eco-system by providing unhindered learning to our Dipsites by
a well planned and through out Virtual Learning Program. Virtual classes via
ZOOM coupled with presentation and live demonstration carefully and
painstakingly prepared by our teachers who have stimulated to this new normal of
teaching .
Our well-planned teaching schedule encapsulated all academic and co-curricular
areas , interspread with workshops, webinars , yoga and various festival functions
and IHC activities. School was as usual but only communication and presence of
students were virtually from home while teachers took the classes from school
with the help of smart board integration with Virtual video conferencing
Assessments are key component of learning because they help students challenge
themselves and enrich their subject knowledge .Virtual assessment via Google
Forms with auto timers and blended assessment for class X & XII as a part of Board
exam preparation were the new normal. Virtual PTM for all classes garnered
positive and encouraging response from our parents.
We wish to thank all our Parents whose overwhelming support and appreciation
to each and every initiative taken by the school during this virtual schooling . Such
feedback constantly motivates us to perform better.
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