P. 9
4. The verb "play" is used in the present participle form in the following
sentence: "He is _______ the guitar."
5. The present participle form of the verb "talk" is _______.
G. Kunci Jawaban Formatif
A. Put a cross (X) of the letter a, b, c, or d on the correct answer!
1. C 6. B
2. A 7. B
3. A 8. D
4. D 9. B
5. B 10. B
B. Fill in the dots below with the correct answer!
1. running
2. swimming
3. seeing
4. playing
5. talking
C. Assessment Criteria
I. Skor Untuk Nilai Tugas
No. Soal Skor Keterangan
1 2,00
2 2,00 Apabila dijawab dengan benar dan
3 2,00 tepat
4 2,00