Page 104 - Monocacy Statement of Qualifications
P. 104
Hager Mixed Use
Owner/User: Withheld at Client’s request
Location: Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Design Statement: Bernardon was recently considered for
the design of a mixed-use development on an approximately
0.92 acre parcel within the Heritage Conservation District
in the City of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The Owners, in
joint venture with a prominent senior living community,
envisioned a mixed-used development with ground
floor retail, market rate multifamily dwelling units, and
independent senior living units. In addition, the façade of
an existing building was to be preserved and incorporated
into the overall building design. Pictured here, Bernardon’s
12-story design solution creates a strong sense of arrival
for the residents, emphasized placemaking through great
site planning and architecture, and created a great living
environment within an existing active site. The building
mass was sculpted to draw in and reinforce the context of
the city and its historic resources.