Page 5 - Bernardon-JM Pereira & Sons SOQ
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Quality Assurance

            The Bernardon Team will focus on the total process of   The  project design  and  production  team, in
            project delivery which directly involves cost, building   conjunction with the Quality Assurance Director and
            system performance, construction technology, and     Market Group Leaders, expand the scope of technical
            schedule.   Bernardon has a well-established         Design Development  review  to  specific  materials
            reputation   for   technical   production   and      and building systems planned for the project.  Project-
            construction administration  capabilities.  The      specific consultant coordination interface areas are
            firm is recognized by consultants and contractors for   identified and a process is developed to address these
            the professional quality of its construction documents.     issues during the course of construction document
            We are also knowledgeable and responsive to issues of   production.
            coordination and constructability.
                                                                 During  the  Construction Documents  phase,  a
            The Quality Assurance Director proactively reviews   full  discipline  project  review  is  undertaken.    The
            all disciplines and responds to coordination issues,   interdisciplinary team approach verifies that the
            deficient documentation, specifications, open items,   construction plans and all aspects of technical
            and any potential challenges with the design.        development and specifications are on-track.  All
                                                                 interior and exterior materials and engineering systems
            This process is performed on each element of the     are finalized by each discipline.
            documents and coordinated with all trades.  Quality is
            managed through milestones identified in the design   The final review is an item-by-item, multi-step
            process, allowing a thorough document review prior to   procedure of reviewing the documents.  This
            issuing.                                             process is performed on each element of the documents
                                                                 and coordinated with consultant documents.
            Quality Control/Quality Assurance milestones include
            Schematic Design review where the Quality Assurance
            Director’s initial involvement begins by working with
            the design team at the schematic design phase.  Any
            research required  by  unique  project  requirements  are
            identified and performed by the project team under the
            review of the Quality Assurance Director.

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