Page 4 - Bernardon_Hotels_SOQ 12.2023
P. 4

Sustainability Reflects Responsibility!

               We    believe  that  architecture  should  inspire
               environmental stewardship.  Buildings that respond to
               the environment and that use materials and resources
               that are responsible and sustainable promote healthy
               environments  for  living.    The firm has designed
               multiple projects that have received LEED

               Bernardon is dedicated to educating our clients in
               design and construction practices that significantly
               reduce or offset the negative impact of buildings on the
               environment as well as its occupants.  This dedication
               is reflected in the fact that we have multiple Leadership
               in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Accredited
               Professionals (AP) on staff.

               The  design philosophy at Bernardon focuses on          ■  Incorporate adequate ventilation in workrooms
               satisfying each project’s unique goals regarding         and copy rooms.
               functionality and  aesthetics while meeting             ■  Consider  high  efficiency  light  fixtures  that
               the targeted budget.  We strive to incorporate           include daylight and/or occupancy sensors
               sustainable or “green” elements in all of our designs.     in order to control light output depending on
               Bernardon strives to incorporate “Low Hanging Fruit      available natural daylight.
               - Great Practices” into our design process and into     ■  Specify materials with low VOC (volatile organic
               the product that results from our intellectual design,
               regardless of whether LEED certification is the goal.     compound) content.
               Some considerations would include:                      ■  Recommend the use of rapidly renewable
                     ■  Encourage the use of high efficiency plumbing     ■  Endeavor to specify materials that incorporate

                      fixtures and dry fixtures such as composting      recycled content.
                      toilets and waterless urinals in order to reduce
                                                                  Whether pursuing LEED certification or not,
                      the generation of wastewater and potable water
                                                                  sustainability, good design, and cost-effective
                      demand.                                     practices will always be considered and reviewed
                     ■  Encourage  the use of interior  vegetation to
                                                                  so that the best and most economical solutions
                      promote healthy indoor environmental quality.  are achieved.
                     ■  Maximize direct line of sight to vision glazing

                      for building occupants in regularly occupied
                     ■  Include recycling stations that will be
                      convenient to use.

            BERNARDON | STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS                                       
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