Page 8 - Ocean 6 Client Welcome Pack
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01.                                02.

                                                       I  M  P  L  E  M  E  N  T  A  T  I  O  N  O  N  G  O  I  N  G     A  D  V  I  C  E
                                                       When it's time to bring your       Our support for your
                                                       Blueprint to life you can          financial future doesn't
                                                       relax knowing we have              stop after implementation
            NEXT STEPS                                 everything under control.          is complete.

                                                       The first 90 days are spent        Throughout life, your goals
                                                       getting you set up for             and lifestyle will change.
             WHAT TO EXPECT AFTER                      financial freedom by               As you navigate these
                                                       organizing your customized         events, we’ll be by your
             YOUR BLUEPRINT IS
                                                       investment portfolio and           side to take care of all
             COMPLETE                                  insurance strategy. The rest       things financial.
                                                       we do with the help of a
                                                       network of trusted financial       An agreed ongoing
                                                       specialists including              advisory service will
                                                       accountants, mortgage              initiate 90 days after your
                                                       advisors, and private              final Blueprint meeting.
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