Page 5 - label plus_Neat
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NKJET COMPATIBLE                                                                               LASER                                                              INDUSTRIAL GRADE SOLUTIONS
 LASER COMPATIBLE                                                                          COMPATIBLE
                                                                                                                                                                       LP Industrial grade labels are engineered to withstand harsh environments that a standard paper label can’t endure.
White Heavy Duty                                                                            TripleBond

Made from polyester material they are oil, dirt and water resistant and tear-              Made from polyester material they are oil, dirt and water
       proof. White Heavy Duty Labels are unaffected by temperature                              resistant and tear-proof. TripleBond™ Labels are
       variations from -20°C to +80°C and the permanent adhesive permits                         unaffected by temperature variations from -40°C to
       use to metal, plastic, painted surfaces, polycarbonate and glass.                         +100°C and the permanent adhesion permits use to
                                                                                                 metal and plastic even if the surface is difficult e.g.
   LASER COMPATIBLE                                                                              hot, cold or rough.

NoPeel™                                                                                    LASER

Made from acrylic they are oil, dirt and water resistant and tear-proof. NoPeel™ Labels     COMPATIBLE
       are unaffected by temperature variations -40°C to +100°C and the permanent          Silver Heavy Duty
       adhesion permits use to laptops, tablets, mobiles, computers, computer screens and

office equipment. These tamper-evident security labels are permanent and are               Made from polyester material they are oil, dirt and water resistant

designed not to peel off. If an attempt has been made to remove the label, the             and tear-proof. Silver Heavy Duty Labels are unaffected by
material flakes and disintegrates, making removal virtually impossible and                 temperature variations from -40°C to +150°C and the
                                                                                           permanent adhesive permits use to metal, plastic, painted
tampering immediately obvious.

LASER                                                                                      surfaces, polycarbonate and glass.

      COMPATIBLE                                                                                LASER
Heavy Duty Removable                                                                       COMPATIBLE

Made from polyester material they are oil, dirt and weather resistant as well                      Ultra-Resistant Outdoor                                      5
       as tear-proof. These Removable Labels are unaffected by temperature
       variations -20°C to +80°C and are ideal for creating temporary labelling            Made from a polyethylene film with a strong adhesion they are
       of equipment, facilities and storage supplies, stock take and organising                   resistant to UV, weather, saltwater and chemicals. Ultra-
       workshops.                                                                                 Resistant Outdoor Labels are unaffected by temperature
                                                                                                  variations -40°C to +150°C and the strong adhesion permits

                                                                                           use to metal, plastic, painted surfaces, polycarbonate and glass.
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