P. 26
12V Cigarette Lighter
760021-1 • ICE 35, ICE 45, ICE 55
Adapter Cable
• All ONIX Series
720085-1 6 feet power cable
• All SOLIX Series
PC 12
6 feet power cable with
speed and temp adapter • All ONIX Series
720086-1 cable for support of • All SOLIX Series
optional temp and speed • TS W, TG W, SW
PC 12 ST
720065-1 6 feet power cable • AS 360SSI
PC 2
ADAPTER CABLES Item Number Description Compatible Units
Splitter cable allows • All Side Imaging and Down Imaging
both a Side Imaging units in the following series:
and a 2D transducer 300, 500, 700, 800, 900, 1100, HELIX
to be connected to
720094-1 one Humminbird unit
for high speed depth *Compatible with models that utilize
9 M SIDB Y tracking with a dedicated 455kHz/800kHz, MEGA Imaging and
MEGA Imaging+ frequencies
2D transducer.
Splitter Cable allows for • All Side Imaging and Down Imaging
installation of separate units in the following series:
left and right Side 300, 500, 700, 800, 900, 1100, HELIX
Imaging transducers
to be connected to one *Compatible with models that utilize
Humminbird unit, without
the need for a transducer 455kHz/800kHz, MEGA Imaging and
9 M SILR Y switch MEGA Imaging+ frequencies
Splitter cable allows •All Side Imaging and Down Imaging
both a Side Imaging units in the following series: SOLIX,
and a 2D transducer ONIX and ION
to be connected to
one Humminbird unit *Compatible with models that utilize
for high speed depth 455kHz/800kHz, MEGA Imaging and
tracking with a dedicated
14 M SIDB Y 2D transducer. MEGA Imaging+ frequencies