Page 76 - NIB Annual Report 12-13 | 13-14
P. 76

Notes to Financial Statements, continued Year ended March 31, 2013
24. Related party balances and transactions, continued TCI Bank balances
Interest receivable (gross of change in fair value) US$ Investment (before change in fair value) US$
Long-term deposits (gross of change in fair value) US$ Change in fair value of assets held with TCI Bank US$ Debenture loan US$ Unpaid liquidator’s costs regarding debenture loan US$
TCIG transactions
Proceeds from sale of Hon. N.J.S. Francis Building US$
Payment of interest on unpaid employment
injury benefits in prior years (note 19) US$
Collection of contributions US$
Contributions – private sector US$
Payment for acquisition of
Hon. Headley Durham Building US$
Contributions – civil servants US$ Interest received on unpaid rent in prior years US$ Interest income US$ Rent income US$ Proceeds from sale of furniture and fixtures US$ Repayment of Treasury bond US$ Payment for lease of crown land US$ Surcharges forgiven due to amnesty (note 16) US$ Employment injury benefit expense US$ Change in fair value of note receivable US$
TCIG balances
Treasury bonds – at par US$ Interest receivable US$ Claims payable US$ Rent receivable US$ Note receivable (gross of change in fair value) US$
Contributions receivable US$
1,215,108 2,000,000
13,881,993 (9,814,407)
– 300,000
(3,150,000) 3,073,711 2,015,033
(1,257,808) 1,021,301 900,410 756,721 496,240 385,000 150,000
(70,000) –
– –
1,200,000 11,461 – – –
307,360 2,000,000
17,352,491 (9,814,407)
5,500,000 300,000
– 4,207,724 2,366,321
– 1,296,154 – 296,982 656,358 – 150,000 – 11,855,351
(5,313,266) (335,300
1,350,000 361,648 (6,150,000)
3,572,791 720,300 37,437
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