Page 11 - DDME "The Disaster Forum"
P. 11
the development and enforcement of building codes, land use planning etc all within the purview of their primary func@ons.
Relief Management requires the coordinated ac@ons of a variety of government and non-governmental agencies. It is vital that these agencies work together in a coordinated fashion such that all efforts are directed at the same end. Roles and responsibili@es need to be clearly defined so as to avoid duplica@on of efforts, and
to ensure an efficient, coordinated relief distribu@on system among all partners. of the main partners in relief opera@ons at the na@onal and regional levels:
The following iden@fies some
• Na@onal Disaster Organiza@on
• Police Service
• Finance
• Health
• Agriculture
• Foreign Affairs and Trade
• Works, Public U@li@es and Transport
• Ports Authori@es, Customs and Excise
• Government Informa@on Services
• Non Governmental
• Private sector
• Community Based Organisa@on
• Among many others
Hence, a responsive strengthened and coordinated ins@tu@onal framework is also fundamental pillar.
Inherent to good partnership in preparedness for relief management is the coopera@on framework at the regional, na@onal and interna@onal levels. Figure one is illustra@ve of coopera@on at the strategic, opera@onal and tac@cal levels.
FIGURE ONE: The Coopera@on Framework in partnership development and maintenance
The top or strategic layer shows the coopera@on from government to government or government to interna@onal agencies to develop mutual assistance agreements and to garner support and dona@ons when needed. At this layer discussions will be undertaken for the coordina@on or relief supplies into the impact zone, the clarifica@on of needs based on the ongoing reconcilia@on of goods already received, informing of needs met or not met. Hence, the top layer is supported by the opera@onal layer where na@onal relief organiza@ons coordinate their efforts with regional NGOs/relief agencies, UN representa@ves and CDEMA.
At the opera@onal layer the logis@cs and procurement cell (LPC), in the Regional Coordina@on Centre (RCC) in the CDEMA CU Headquarters will be monitoring and tracking the acquisi@on, storage and delivery of goods. The LPC will work in close collabora@on with the Mul@
Na@onal Civil Military Coordina@on Cell, Barbados, (MNCCC, Barbados) to facilitate delivery and distribu@on.
Finally at the tac@cal level, the Na@onal Emergency Opera@ons Centre coordinates the delivery of relief supplies and services with local NGOs/relief agencies and the CDRU (represen@ng CDEMA). Within the tac@cal level there will also be logis@cians deployed to the impacted zone to aid with the arrangements either at the Port or the main warehouse, wherever the central storage and distribu@on hub is located. This team of logis@cians will work directly with the CDRU to tag relief supplies (if not already tagged at the point of dispatch) as they enter the port/warehouse to ensure the tracking begins
• Non-Government Sector
• Caribbean Development Partner Group (CDPG) • Private Sector
• The regional military
• The international military
• Among others