Page 12 - DDME "The Disaster Forum"
P. 12
Informa@on sharing is another pillar for good partnership development and maintenance.
Figure two (2) is the Coordina@on Model that shows the ouklow of informa@on from the local disaster site, and the inflow of relief supplies arriving from various na@onal, regional and interna@onal organiza@ons involved in the provision of relief. This model focuses on CDEMA’s regional coordina@on centre involvement as the regional coordina@ng hub.
FIGURE TWO: The Coordina@on Model
This paper has sought to present the importance of partnership overall in disaster management and more specifically in relief management across the CDEMA Par@cipa@ng States. It outlines the role of governmental and non governmental ins@tu@ons and regional and interna@onal partners. It also sets the partnership framework from governance and ins@tu@onal focus, a coopera@on framework and a coordina@on model.
To make relief management a success, partnerships among ins@tu@onal players is necessary in a cohesive and collabora@ve manner all opera@ng towards the same goals and objec@ves.