Page 31 - DDME "The Disaster Forum"
P. 31


On March 31st – April 13th, 2019 Ms. Jones, aSended an intensive two-week Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Training Course (HADR) in Jamaica. This training was a unique opportunity for Disaster Management Representa@ves from across the Caribbean islands, along with military and civilian personnel from the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency’s (CDEMA) Regional Response mechanism and other private and public sector disaster response stakeholders, to explore ways in which further innova@on and mutual support contributes towards Regional/CDEMA’s efforts at building
resilience in Caribbean Islands.
One of the key issues addressed is the need to ensure that coordina@on and communica@on with armed forces, Government, community groups and humanitarian agencies is established and maintained, thus ensuring cohesion and
integra@on with the Regional Response Mechanism. Relief is a Response Mechanism that is mi@gated with the building of capacity into communi@es. The in-depth analysis of the Incident Command System which is structured to facilitate ac@vi@es in Command, Opera@ons, Planning, Logis@cs, intelligence & Inves@ga@ons, finance and administra@on as a form of management without sacrificing
aSen@on to any component
of the Command System. The
vital lesson for Turks & Caicos
Islands is to involve all
relevant stakeholders in
planning and prepara@on and not just in response. Encompassing Major Incident Management Capability where the objec@ve is to ensure that the systems used should be appropriate to Turks & Caicos Islands emergency services, commonly recognized and regularly employed for major incidents whilst being scalable for disasters.

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