Page 32 - DDME "The Disaster Forum"
P. 32
Lessons learnt with Disaster Management examined through a Training perspec@ve:
Na@onal Framework →→→→Na@onal Policy
Na@onal Policy →→→→→→→Ins@tu@onal Policy
Ins@tu@onal Policy →→→→→TRAINING POLICY
TRAINING POLICY→→→→→→Exercise Policy
ExercisePolicy →→→→→→→IntegratedExercises–Na@onalLevel
Presenta@on of Cer@fica@on to Ms. Jones by Colonel Mahatma Williams - Colonel General Staff Jamaica Defence Force
Prior to leaving for Jamaica on March 31st, Ms. Jones organized the Shelter Management Training across the Turks & Caicos Islands and which saw Mr. Desmond Lightbourne, DDME Community Preparedness Manager as the Lead Facilitator. Trainings were conducted throughout the month of April and have been completed in Salt Cay, South Caicos, Grand Turk along with North and Middle Caicos. Par@cipants learnt about the Roles and Responsibili@es of the Shelter Manager, how to set up the Shelter, the importance of developing and maintaining a good Shelter Management Team, the range of Shelter ac@vi@es, the contents of the shelters, and how to keep records and maintain the rules of the Shelter.
Sessions were lively and interac@ve with exercises and Site Shelter Re-Inspec@ons. DDME Radio/ Communica@on Specialist Mr. Mark Wilkinson presented the new component of Radio Communica@ons to the Shelter Management Training Module. Par@cipants received hands on knowledge of how to operate and use radios during the Shelter Ac@va@on. Approximately 65 Shelter Managers from the communi@es were trained across the Turks & Caicos Islands.