Page 34 - DDME "The Disaster Forum"
P. 34
Damage and Needs Assessment (DANA) Training was held May in Grand Turk and Providenciales. DDME’s GIS/ Hazard Mi@ga@on Specialist was the Lead Facilitator on this Training and par@cipants saw the introduc@on of the Digital Data Collec@on Form. This was very welcomed by par@cipants who iden@fied the need to reduce the use of paper format for data collec@on. Civic minded individuals from across the Government Sector, Private Sector and NGO’s where trained to do Ini@al Damage Assessments from which informa@on will decide on the type and amount of assistance required to restore a sense of normality to the affected area aOer a storm.
Why conduct a DANA? The overall objec@ves of the DANA are to:
• Determine the type and extent of damage brought about by a disaster, including its secondary threats; cri@cal needs of the affected popula@on, and local response capacity;
• Excep@onally crucial due to the impact they can have on relaying “situation ontheground”to response organiza@ons and government;
• Prescribes the priori@es for response and recovery ac@vi@es;
• Iden@fies gaps for resource mobiliza@on, and
• Provides the framework for effec@ve organiza@on, mobiliza@on and
coordina@on of services and resources during and following an emergency or disaster
DANA Provo
DANA Provo
Digital IDA Data CollecTon