Page 13 - Darnell Laverne Gardiner
P. 13

Darnell as I sit and reflect on your life, from the day you were born when I saw your beautiful face, I said I would name you Darnell because you reminded me of Darnell Brown with your big beautiful eyes and chubby cheeks. You were a delight to us all, your father, to me, and to your siblings, being number 9 of 11.
As you grew, you were very intelligent; we were amazed at how smart you were. You always excelled at everything you did and you loved being in the kitchen with me, so I knew that you were going to be a great cook. You were my little shadow in the kitchen!
You were committed to whatever you did whether it was at home, school or Church. Darn or Fabbs, as we affectionately called you, you showed a radiance wherever you went. You served your God with that same passion and enthusiasm. I know with blessed assurance that you are at peace, forever with the Lord. I am forever thankful to our Father God for lending you to us for the time he did. You are free from pain. It broke my heart to watch as you experienced excruciating pain. It reminded me of when we traveled to Texas to bring you home ten years ago. You tried to shield us from the pain of seeing you suffer, you tried to put on a good face! You are now free and at peace.
Your place will always be in my heart with unending love. So until then, I will go on singing with joy. I will carry on, until the day my eyes behold the city and I can see you once again.
Sleep on Darn, take your rest, I love you but Jesus loves you best. You are our beautiful rose in heaven’s garden.
Love: Mommy
D – Delight
A – Awesome R – Radiant
N – Noble
E – Exceptional L – loving
L – loyal

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