Page 15 - Darnell Laverne Gardiner
P. 15
Fabbs I woke up this morning crying, knowing that I would not hear your voice today. Although it is painful to walk down this road again I do so with gratitude to God Almighty! You said to me, “I just told the Nurse again that my sister is coming to get me. I told them that from three days ago and again just now that you are coming for me.” Before I received the call that you had taken a turn for the worse, I was desperately trying to get you home via air ambulance not knowing that that was not God’s plan for us because after all you had already
told me that I was coming for you! You knew that I was on my way and you defied all odds and medical logic and was determined to wait just long enough for my feet to touch down on Nassau knowing that your sister had arrived to come get you! I could hear you telling Gabriel to wait and give you a few more minutes because you had to make sure that I was there.
You said that you were satisfied and could not complain because God had been good to you. You were ready. Cancer didn’t win, God won! If cancer had won, we would have been here ten years ago.
Now that you are gone I am not sure what I will tell
David when he questions my experimental recipes.
He would walk into the kitchen and ask me what
I was cooking and if it was another experiment. I
would answer and tell him, “Ofcourse not! I called Aunty Darn who told me how to cook this new dish!” knowing full well that I had told a bold lie [thank God for forgiveness!!]. Because if the new recipe did not have Aunty Darn’s instructions and approval, he was not going to eat it. Who will Daniel go to for his swave hairstyles? And who will Kevin get his icicles and conch fritters from?
You were a beacon of light and laughter for us all. You made us laugh until we were breathless! You were the strongest cancer survivor I know and had the greatest faith in God. He answered your prayers, your heart’s desire, to see your children grow and become independent. You broke all medical rules because you knew God alone had the final say! You were a miracle and for that we give God thanks for allowing us to have ten additional years to love you!
Kiss Daddy, Ken and Deela for me!!
I will love you forever and a day my sister! Kendra