Page 3 - Wildflowers of the Waterberg
P. 3
Flower parts 4 or 5, or in multiples of 4 or 5, or very many, usually with a clear distinction between sepals and petals
leaves usually with distinct midrib and several side-veins
Flowers with petals or petal-like Flowers with petals or petal-like structures clearly
structures essentially free from one fused with one another into a short or long tube
Anacampserotaceae Flowers more or less regular Flowers more or less irregular in
Apiaceae in outline - petals all similar outline - often appear 2-lipped;
Brassicaceae in size and shape, arranged petals not uniform in size and
Caryophyllaceae around the centre like spokes shape
Celastraceae in a wheel
Euphorbiaceae GROUP 5 GROUP 6
Fabaceae Apocynaceae Acanthaceae
Geraniaceae Asteraceae Gesneriaceae
Gisekiaceae Boraginaceae Lamiaceae
Limeaceae Campanulaceae Lentibulariaceae
Malpighiaceae Convolvulaceae Lobeliaceae
Malvaceae Crassulaceae Orobanchaceae
Melastomataceae Curcubitacaea Pedaliaceae
Menyanthaceae Dichapetalaceae Polygalaceae
Molluginaceae Dipsacaceae Scrophulariaceae
Myrtaceae Droseraceae Selaginaceae
Nymphaeaceae Ericaceae Verbenaceae
Onagraceae Gentianaceae Plantaginaceae
Oxalidaceae Hypericaceae
Peraceae Loranthaceae
Phyllanthaceae Lythraceae Exotics ??
Polygonaceae Myrothamnaceae
Portulacaceae Nyctaginaceae
Ranunculaceae Oleaceae
Santalaceae Passifloraceae
Talinaceae Plumbaginaceae
Turneraceae Rhamnaceae
Vahliaceae Rubiaceae
Vitaceae Solanaceae
Zygophyllaceae Thymelaeaceae