Page 2 - Percy Luvert IV
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 PC’s Story
In the Beginning ... From the moment he entered this world, Percy Camuel Luvert IV knew how to make others smile. The first of two children born to the union of Percy and Joyce Luvert III, his earthly journey began September 18, 1980 in Eugene, Ore. From the start, he was called PC, and it’s a nickname that stuck. PC was very proud of his name, having been named after his father, his paternal grandfather, and his godfather, the late Camuel Cross. His parents doted on him, as he was the ideal baby boy. And two years later, he would become the ideal big brother after his sister Shymila was born. He was always looking out for his little sister—and that never changed.
 Growing Up ... Just like his dad, PC was a sports fanatic. He was real good at playing them too. As a
kid, he participated in all kinds of leagues. PC played football, basketball, and baseball—the same sport his
 dad played in college. He was educated in Eugene’s public schools, earning his high school diploma from Sheldon High. Shortly after graduating from Sheldon, PC joined the Navy, training at the Naval Station Great Lakes in Illinois.

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