Page 3 - Percy Luvert IV
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  Becoming a Man ... As a young adult, PC moved to Seattle, Washington, where he met many new friends, including Khayfa “Kai” Southichack. Kai would become his wife and the mother of his two children, Percy V and Khalyiah. He also inherited a daughter: Nadia. A believer in supporting his family, PC worked at TMX Aerospace Corporation . After spending several years building a life and family in Seattle, PC recently returned to the place where his journey began ... Eugene.
 Leaving a Legacy ... Two words that can sum up who PC was to the many people who knew him, whether they called him dad, husband, son, brother, uncle, nephew, cousin, or friend, are LOVE and LAUGHTER. PC loves his people—and while he was here on earth, he loved to put smiles on their faces. He was always looking out for them too. He was never short on complimenting and celebrating others. And it goes without saying how much he loves his family, especially his children. PC was a loving and doting father. PC was a great friend.
 Moving On ... On Sunday, May 25, 2014, Percy Camuel Luvert IV finished his course on earth. He leaves to cherish his memory his wife Kai; three children: Percy
 V, Khalyiah, and stepdaughter, Nadia Southichack; his
mother, Joyce Luvert; his father and stepmother, Percy and Linda Luvert; his sister, Shymila; two nephews, Anthony and Nascar; his grandmother, Jennie Luvert; eight uncles and two aunts; and a host of cousins and friends.

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