Page 107 - Katherine Ryan press pack 2015-20
P. 107

               The Best Female Stand-Up

               Comedian Specials to

               Watch Right Now

               By Christopher Rosa
               August 16, 2019

               Adam Rose/Netflix

               "I was once told that I couldn't do a show because the 'woman's spot' was

               filled for the show, and that's a show with about seven, eight, or nine
               comedians on it," comedian Emily McWinter told Glamour for a video
               about the sexist and misogynistic culture that exists in comedy. "They
               reserve one spot for a woman, and if there's two deserving candidates, one

               just can't be on the show."

               That's just one of many examples detailing how this boys' club results in
               male performers' voices consistently being elevated over females'. Of
               course, the road to fixing this issue is long, but one thing you can do right
               now to help is give your time and money to female stand-up comedians.

               Watching these 14 specials, below, is a great place to start.
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