Page 172 - Katherine Ryan press pack 2015-20
P. 172

the grounds of their palace, with wild cats roaming around the front gate? But these
               are questions that remain unasked, perhaps because Katherine and her audience do
               not really need to ask them. This show is not about our prejudices; it is about gaining
               insight into the lives of those who live differently to us.

               In  particular,  her  handling  of  Isabella  (who  made  her  first  million  at  the  age  of
               six) highlights  how  genuine  Katherine’s  approach  is.  Any  humiliation  of  this
               child (because despite her great wealth and popularity, this is what Isabella is) could
               have stuck with her for a lifetime. Ryan remains generous in her interrogations. And
               she throws herself into every situation head first, with a healthy dose of scepticism
               yet no hint of closed-mindedness in any respect.

               Endlessly  curious  and  most  importantly interested,  Katherine  Ryan  is  the  selling
               point for me. How’d You Get So Rich? is available on All4.

                                           KATHERINE RYAN: KATHBUM
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