Page 24 - Katherine Ryan press pack 2015-20
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14 saturday review 1GR Saturday October 13 2018 | the times
‘Men are to appear full of myself and say he must
have been a fan. He may have just
been lost.”
On this occasion Ryan called Violet’s
father, but she usually manages alone. Her
independent outlook is a reaction to her
like dolphins, Ontario. “My life was about getting a man.
upbringing in the industrial city of Sarnia,
My dad offered me money when I was
young to stop biting my nails because he
said if I had long nails I would find a hus-
band. There are men in their sixties in my
family and nobody is putting pressure on
best enjoyed them to find wives. When I told my parents
I was pregnant they cried.” Tears of joy?
“No, sadness because I wasn’t married.”
She is not entirely single, though. She is
in a relationship with the American stand-
up Alex Edelman. They are too busy to be
on holiday’ a conventional couple, but it works. “I’ve
had relationships where I’ve been pun-
ished for my success, there has been
jealousy and resentment. It took until I
was into my thirties to find someone that
was truly happy about my accomplish-
ments and didn’t get enraged when I
Katherine Ryan tells Bruce Dessau achieved things professionally.”
Maybe men are finally evolving. One of
about stand-up success, being a single her successes is Roast Battle for Comedy
mum — and the lure of sandwiches Central UK, where stand-ups verbally
joust in no-holds-barred joke-offs. Ryan
and Jonathan Ross are the judges. “When
atherine Ryan is sitting on the all welcome Katherine Jonathan joined for the second series he
floor in her dressing room at the Ryan denies that she is approached me and said, ‘How much are
Garrick Theatre in her Giv- anti-men: “I’ve done you getting paid for this, because I won’t do
enchy hoodie and sweat pants. wonderful things for men” it if I’m earning more than you.’ That’s the
KShe seems so relaxed you first time a man has ever said this. He took
wouldn’t think she is due to perform her hit the initiative and I really appreciate it.”
show Glitter Room in little over an hour. The problem, she thinks, is at the grass-
“All I’ve got to do is put on my wig and roots level where everyone is trying to
my dress,” she says, as if stand-up comedy make their name. She recalls an open-
is the easiest job in the world. It isn’t. The mike night where there were “24 white
smart, bright-eyed 35-year-old just makes men trying to be edgy” with crude,
it look easy. Seventy minutes later she is misogynist jokes. Established comics are
more supportive. Romesh Ranganathan
and Nish Kumar are friends, as is Geoff
Norcott, who is that rarity a Tory-voting
comic. “We text most nights.” Does she
agree with his politics? “No, but I’m
delivering another storming set of sassy, comfortable. I don’t really know why.” Per- keen to learn.”
scalpel-sharp stories about tackling haps the tension comes from her being so Ryan certainly has an impressive plate-
teenage bullies, single motherhood, the openly happy being a single mother of spinning work ethic. She has also filmed a
Kardashians and much more. She is not nine-year-old Violet. “There are men who Netflix panel show, The Fix, due to be
bald, incidentally, the wig just gives her big feel very threatened by me saying that screened soon. And she has to think about
hair to go with her big success. there is a different shape to a family that childcare. Violet’s father — she doesn’t
Ryan has come a long way since she doesn’t need them. Some men don’t like name him, but says they have an amicable
moved to the UK from Canada a decade feeling superfluous.” set-up — has her for some weekends, but
ago. Although not far in some ways. She Shortly before the interview Ryan had even with that help and babysitters, how
appreciates her month-long run at the posted a playful question on Instagram, does Ryan fit in those tours and television
Garrick because one of her first jobs here asking for suggestions to make men feel appearances? She suggests that stand-up
was in an office in nearby Holborn in more comfortable at her shows. She is the perfect career for a single mother.
central London, selling subscriptions to a reads out some answers: “Someone said, “Other working parents drop their kids
fashion directory. “I feel privileged that ‘Do the show as their mother.’ Another at 7am, whereas I do the school run. And
people come and see me because it wasn’t said I should offer sandwiches. I might do with this show we can hang around
long ago that I was working down the that . . .” together and I leave when she is getting
road.” ready for bed.”
Meet a true trailblazer at the top of her ‘I wanted someone Her parenting seems successful. “Violet
game. She hosted the all-female edition of never swears. She used the word ‘malar-
8 Out of 10 Cats, did Countdown this year who didn’t get key’ recently and apologised.” Off-duty
and was only the second British-based enraged when I Ryan reins in the gags. “Violet is the funny
comedian (after Jimmy Carr) to have a one at home. I try not to be funny at the
Netflix original comedy special released achieved things’ school gates. I don’t go to Violet’s recorder
globally when In Trouble came out in 2017. concerts and try to steal the spotlight.”
Glitter Room is also being filmed for There were also, however, sexually There is a pause before she can’t resist a
Netflix. aggressive responses. How does she deal punchline. “Actually, I try not to go to her
Ryan’s Garrick audience transcends age with that? “I look at their profiles. If they recorder concerts at all.”
and gender, but there are not as many men are clinically obsessive I mute them.” Does She would like to have more children al-
as you might usually see at comedy gigs. she worry about obsessive fans? “I’ve not though she has enough on her hands with
Could this be because she is so assertive had anyone try to hurt me.” She is drily work, Violet, a cat called Sara Pascoe and
that men are intimidated? On stage she philosophical about fame’s darker under- three dogs. “Something tells me I will. I like
witheringly recalls the decorator who was belly. “Some people enjoy what you do. being a mum.” Has she discussed it with
dismissive of her suggestions and wanted The flipside is that some people threaten to Edelman? “I would definitely not trap him
to speak to the “decision-maker”. She quips kill you.” if that’s your question. If I figure it out I’ll
that “men are like dolphins, best enjoyed Perhaps she was thinking about a terri- let you know.” Would she go down the
on holiday”. fying incident that she sometimes turkey baster route? “I wouldn’t rule it out.
She is not anti-men. “Not at all. I’ve done mentions on stage. A man recently tried to But at the moment I’m just living day-to-
wonderful things for men. I’ve let them enter her Crouch End flat at night, putting day trying not to get another dog.”
have sex with me, I’ve had their children. I his hands through the letterbox. It sounds Katherine Ryan: Glitter Room is at the
do lots of things to make men comfortable, chilling, but she now sees the funny side. Garrick Theatre, London WC2
but this show does not make all men “When the police spoke to me I didn’t want (0330 3334811), to October 20