Page 4 - Rotary DIM December 2017
P. 4

many of the staff (see next article). Denis and I         Rotary calls in on ShelterBox
thought we did an excellent job of packing a
Shelterbox but there was a hint that we had better not    RIBI President Denis Spiller and District Governor
give up the day job. Apparently the volunteers pack up    George Eamer visited Cornish-based ShelterBox, the
to 244 in a morning session and the same again in the     disaster relief charity, in Truro at the end of
afternoon. It was good to see the references to the       November.
help and support provided by Rotarians and wherever
you looked there was the logo. It was explained to us                           RIBI President Denis Spiller and
that Shelterbox could not just turn up to a disaster but              DG George Eamer helping out at Shelterbox!
had to be invited in which was often engineered by
local Rotarians who were invaluable in acting as          ShelterBox and Rotary have a £43m alliance and is
interpreters and smoothing the way.                       one of the world’s most effective humanitarian link-
Finally I would just like to mention the two
Conferences to be held in District. Firstly the RIBI      Shelterbox began life in the year 2000, as a Cornish
National Conference will be held in Torquay at the        Rotary Club’s millennium project. It was founded by
beginning of April and details can be found on the RIBI   Rotarian Tom Henderson, a former Royal Navy Search
web site or click on the link below. Secondly District    and Rescue diver, and has it grown since then to
Conference will be held on 29/30 June and 1st July at     become a major force in humanitarian aid and an
Exeter University, details from the link below. There     expert in emergency shelter.
will be the usual House of Friendship but also a space
where Clubs can showcase a project they are               Rotary remains a major fundraising source and the
particularly proud of. If your Club has something they    cornerstone of ShelterBox’s network of international
would like to show then please contact ADG William        affiliates. Rotarians also provide invaluable in-country
Wills. Information can be found on the District web       assistance and local knowledge, many of them as
site and further details will be added as we get          members of the charity’s response team.
confirmation of contributors.
                                                          More from George Eamer on
George Eamer  District Governor 1175

Link to Exeter District Conference:


Link to RIBI Torquay Conference:
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