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Hwasaan, Kang - Incidental Dominion in Life
Hwasaan, Kang - Incidental Dominion in Life
Artistic world of Kang GooWon
-Aesthetics of serenity and reverberation
Yoo, KyungHee(Curator)
(Translated by Jung, YoungMun)
A good text(work) is the one that not only provides well-woven structure with profound mean-
ing but also stimulates the viewers in infinate ways. I always have anticipated to encounter
a work forming a texture of image, that makes my mind sink, that makes my spirit restless,
and that makes me shiver at the same time. For that reason, KangGooWon’s works were a real
serendipity. His works invite me to’ non-enforced serenity’ and the ‘deep space of voidness’.
One’s characteristics could be revealed through his art. When one’s own characteristics decides
his destiny and his works, Kang GooWon’s work seems to have reached the approximity of his
identiy. Now that he is free from the obssession for mystification of drawing, his life becomes his
work, and his work becomes himself. I catch a look of a seeker after truth from him who smiles
silently and speaks slowly, and cherish him who is serious by nature. He endures hardship of
being a poor artist and never comprimises with reality.
Kang GooWon’s works have moved from the pictorial to the linear, then vice versa. Theme of the
first and the second solo show of 1989 and 1991 was ‘reqiem’. the style shown in his first show
is that of figurative painting on the whole, and he seems to have focused on the problem of the
canvs itself with the technic of vivid contrast of colors, deformation of form, and wide contour
lines. In his second show, his works have losed their expressionist feature of strong touch and
vivid contrast of colors of his earlier works. Objets irrelevant, such as a combination of a wooden
tube, red pepper, and a spring, of black countour lines, apprear floating in canvas, His shows
of the late 1991 at Kwanhoon Gallery and of 1994 at Dongho Gallery and Kwanhoon Gallery
had consistent them of ‘Incidental Dominion in Life’. The theme is macroscopic discours that
dominates the universe and mankind, which he adopts as his core way of thinking. His concept
of fortuity can be translated as a state of thing not decided yet. The foruity here, therefore, is
rather the one that postulates necessity already. For example, he reckons that a life made by
certain cause, which often is considerd as a result of fortuity, cannot but exist within whe realm
of family and community, which he consiedrs to be a domination.
<Incidental Dominion in Life-closed door>(1990), <Incidental Dominion in Life-a spring>(1990),
<Incidental Dominion in Life-origin>(1990),<Incidental Dominion in Life-family>(1991)<Incidental
Dominion in Life-birth>(1990)<Incidental Dominion in Life-red pepper and a spring>(1990),
<Incidental Dominion in Life- my look>(1990), <Incidental Dominion in Life-wooden fish and
frog>(1990), <Incidental Dominion in Life-an exorcism for purification in a vineyard>(1993/4), <In-
cidental Dominion in Life-in a vineyard>(1994), <Incidental Dominion in Life-young Sun>(1994),
<Incidental Dominion in Life-a funeral bier flowered>(1994) are the