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              MINGHUI DIAO

              COLLEGE OF SCIENCE
                                                             When Minghui Diao visited Princeton University as a student,
                                                      her soon-to-be Ph.D. advisor introduced her to a project using aircraft
                                                      to study clouds. Diao, captivated by the project and her advisor’s
                                                      enthusiasm, decided to pursue an academic career. Now part of the
                                                      Meteorology and Climate Science at SJSU, Diao leads a student team
                                                      conducting similar research, using aircraft to study clouds and the
                                                      impact of human activity on cloud formation.
                                                             Her latest project is to observe cirrus cloud formations.
                                                      “Cirrus clouds — high clouds composed of ice crystals — are one of the
                                                      most challenging components in the atmosphere for climate models
                                                      to capture accurately,” Diao says. “Because of the high elevations, it
                                                      is very difficult to measure them, which is why we use instruments
                                                      onboard a research aircraft.”
                                                             Eight field campaigns have taken Diao to locations all over
                                                      the world. “One of the campaigns was based at the U.S. Virgin Islands,
                                                      focusing on hurricanes,” she says. “Another targeted sea-air exchange
                                                      in the Southern Ocean, based on Punta Arenas, Chile. Then we also
                                                      had a first-ever flight campaign that flew from the North Pole to the
                                                      Antarctic Circle.”
                                                             Diao’s research, in partnership with the University of
                                                      Wyoming, has far-reaching implications for climate science. “The
                                                      collaboration brings in another piece of the puzzle,” she says, “which
                                                      is to use supercomputer model simulations to predict future climate.
                                                      Combining observations and simulations enables us to achieve goals
                                                      that cannot otherwise be accomplished.”
                      Much like the Ph.D. advisor who inspired her, Diao brings an enthusiasm for her work into the classroom and
               the field. “I certainly hope that one day I will be remembered by my students as that professor who inspired them to
               pursue a career in science,” she says.

                               Meteorology is a high-level combination of                  Weather and how it affects us fascinates
                               physics, chemistry, math, computer science                    me. I look forward to learning about
               and environmental science. Their are so many      extreme weather phenomenon, such as tornadoes,
               different fields open ahead.                      and I hope to storm chase to study these events.
                   Ching An Yang, ’19 Meteorology & Climate Science   Abril Abierto ’19 Meteorology & Climate Science

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