Page 12 - The TM Submarine Cable Book
P. 12

1: The History: How it started
                                                                    Main Trunk Route network from analogue
                                                                    to  digital  began,  and  was  completed  by
                                                                    year 2000. This transformation received a
                                                                    boost  once  the  RM150  million  Kuantan-
                         ASEAN:-     ASSOCIATION        OF          Kota Kinabalu submarine fibre optic cable
                         SOUTH  EAST  ASIAN  NATIONS,               became operational in 1979. For the first
                         comprises       five     countries,        time, STM invested in a new optical fibre
                         Indonesia,  Malaysia,  Philippines,        submarine cable system linking Malaysia,
                         Singapore and Thailand.                    Singapore, HongKong, Taiwan and Japan
                                                                    . Each optic fibre in the cable system could
                         The  laying  of  the  ASEAN  network       carry  traffic  at  560 Mbit/s,  equivalent  to
                         cable  in  1978  was  split  into  four    30,000 simultaneous phone calls.
                         sections. The first section laid was that
                         from  the  Philippines  to  Singapore.     In  1981  with  joined  hands  of  seven
                         Shore ends at Katong, Singapore and        commonwealth  countries,  a  new  cable
                         Currimao,  Luzon,  were  laid  by          system was laid across the Indian Ocean
                         MV Cap  Villano,  hired  by  Standard      between Marina Beach at Madras in India
                         Telephone     and     Cables     Ltd.,     and Kuala Muda (Penang) Landing station
                         manufacturers of the cable. CS Cable       in Malaysia. The 1350 nautical miles long,
                         Venture laid the 1507 nm main cable.       Indian  Ocean  Commonwealth  Cable
                         The  second  section  in  1980  from       (IOCOM) has a capacity of 480 high grade
                         Indonesia  to  Singapore  was  laid        telephone circuits with provision for further
                         by Kuroshio  Maru with Chosui  Maru        expansion.    This  IOCOM  links  are  the
                         laying the shore ends.                     second for Malaysia and the first for India
                                                                    with  international  submarine  telephone
                         The  main  cable  was  572  nm             cable network connection after slow speed
                         long. KDD  Maru and Kuroshio  Maru         telegraph  cables  in  the  region  become
                         laid the 920 nm cable in 1983 between      obsolete and were abandoned.
                         Singapore,  Malaysia  and  Thailand
                         with Kaiko  Maru  5  laying  the  shore
                         ends. The final section  in 1986 from
                         Thailand to the Philippines was laid by
                         Kuroshio  Maru.  The  cable  carried
                         1380 circuits which were allocated on
                         the basis of ownership shares in the
                         whole project.

                      Challenges  aside,  STM  continued  to
                      adopt new technologies as they emerged
                      and to offer these to its customer base.         First  telegraph  received  by  Penang  from
                      Corporate  Information  Superhighway             Madras.
                      (COINS) was launched, a globally linked
                      fibre   optic   backbone   capable    of
                      transmitting  digital  signals  at  10  Mbit/s,
                      which  was  among  the  fastest  of  such
                      service in the world. At the same time, the
                      process of transforming the

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