Page 4 - Demo
P. 4

                                    This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at, for electronic format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company%u2019s findings at the time of itsintervention only and within the limits of client%u2019s instruction, if any. The Company%u2019s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction fromexercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Anyunauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwisestated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested.%u65b0%u5317%u5e02%u4e94%u80a1%u5340%u65b0%u5317%u7522%u696d%u5712%u5340%u4e94%u6b0a%u4e03%u8def 25 %u865f t+886(02)2299 3939 f+886(02)2299 3237SGS Taiwan Ltd. %u53f0%u7063%u6aa2%u9a57%u79d1%u6280%u80a1%u4efd%u6709%u9650%u516c%u53f8 25, Wu Chyuan 7th Road, New Taipei Industrial Park, Wu Ku District, New Taipei City, TaiwanMember of the SGS Group%u9801%u6578(Page): 4 of 7 %u6e2c%u8a66%u5831%u544aTest Report %u865f%u78bc(No.): ETA22900001%u3000%u3000%u3000%u65e5%u671f(Date): 08-Sep-2022%u51f1%u958e%u570b%u969b%u6709%u9650%u516c%u53f8 (K-WAX INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD)%u65b0%u5317%u5e02%u6a39%u6797%u5340%u4e09%u9f8d%u885743%u865f (NO. 43, SANLONG ST., SHULIN DIST., NEW TAIPEI CITY 238, TAIWAN (R.O.C.))%u91cd%u91d1%u5c6c%u6d41%u7a0b%u5716 / Analytical flow chart of Heavy Metal %u6d41%u7a0b%u5716%u6839%u64da%u4ee5%u4e0b%u7684%u6d41%u7a0b%u5716%u4e4b%u689d%u4ef6%uff0c%u6a23%u54c1%u5df2%u5b8c%u5168%u6eb6%u89e3%u3002%uff08%u516d%u50f9%u927b%u6e2c%u8a66%u65b9%u6cd5%u9664%u5916%uff09These samples were dissolved totally by pre-conditioning method according to below flow chart.%uff08Cr6+ test method excluded%uff09%u526a%u88c1%u3001%u88fd%u5099%u6a23%u54c1 / Cutting%u3001Preparation%u6e2c%u8a66%u6a23%u54c1%u91cd%u91cf / Sample Measurement%u7528%u5fae%u6ce2%u6d88%u89e3%u5100/%u96fb%u71b1%u677f%u9032%u884c%u9178%u6d88%u89e3Acid digestion with microwave / hotplate%u925b Pb/%u9398 Cd/%u6c5e Hg%u904e%u6ffe / Filtration%u6eb6%u6db2 / Solution %u6b98%u6e23 / Residue1) %u9e7c%u7194%u878d%u6cd5 / Alkali fusion2) %u9e7d%u9178%u6eb6%u89e3 / HCl to dissolve%u611f%u61c9%u8026%u5408%u96fb%u6f3f%u767c%u5c04%u5149%u8b5c%u5100 / ICP-OES%u516d%u50f9%u927b Cr(VI)%u975e%u91d1%u5c6c / Non-metal %u91d1%u5c6c / Metal%u8d85%u97f3%u6ce2%u6eb6%u89e3 / Dissolving by ultrasonication%u5728 150~160%u2103%u4e0b%u6d88%u5316 / Digesting at 150~160%u2103ABS / PC / PVC %u5176%u4ed6%u6750%u8cea/Others%u6cb8%u6c34%u8403%u53d6 / Boiling water extraction%u51b7%u537b%u5f8c%u904e%u6ffe%u6a23%u54c1 / Cool, filter digestate through filter%u52a0%u5165%u767c%u8272%u5291%u986f%u8272 / Add diphenylcarbazide for color development%u4ee5 UV-VIS%uff0c%u91cf%u6e2c%u6a23%u54c1%u6eb6%u6db2%u5728 540 nm %u7684%u5438%u6536%u5ea6 / Measure the absorbance at 540 nm by UV-VIS%u53d6%u6c34%u5c64 / Separating to get aqueous phase%u572860%u2103%u689d%u4ef6%u4e0b%u8d85%u97f3%u6ce2%u6d88%u5316 / Digesting at 60%u2103 by ultrasonication %u8abf%u6574 pH / pH adjustment%u52a0%u5165%u767c%u8272%u5291%u986f%u8272 / Add diphenylcarbazide for color development%u4ee5 UV-VIS%uff0c%u91cf%u6e2c%u6a23%u54c1%u6eb6%u6db2%u5728 540 nm %u7684%u5438%u6536%u5ea6 / Measure the absorbance at 540 nm by UV-VIS
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