Page 291 - The Diary of A. H. W. Behrens
P. 291
After my illness at the beginning of 1942 I could only hold
the services when sitting and with the help of Moruti Segale
I was only just able to confirm the last confirmands in Rama
in my 88. year of life. It simply did not work anymore. The congregation in Rama refused to return to Polonia and wanted to join the Berlin Mission. Superintendent Hoffmann from Botshabelo was prepared to accept them. Then Mission Director Wickert and Superintendents Dehnke and Tönsing interfered and wrote to Superintendent Hoffmann instead of going to Rama with suggestions on a re-unification and an attempt at changing the mind of the congregation. Eventually, the two superintendents came to Brits and upon request I gave them a letter to the church council in Rama that was to serve
as an introduction and with which they were satisfied. But
they said nothing more, asked nothing, also did not ask for advice or anything else and hence I said nothing. They went and without making suggestions and plans they simply asked whether they wanted to come back. When they answered with “no” the meeting was closed. They had known that already and it would not have been necessary for them to go there.